Two words for you... KILL BILL.

I was way more interested in this movie before they split it up into two movies. It feels like such a rip off.
I cannot possibly imagine how it could be better than Pulp Fiction.

I'm really looking forward to it, but wasn't it intended as a fighting/kung-fu movie, not really able to compete with his masterpiece? One review I saw gave it glowing praise, but said it's essentially all fight scenes. Fight scenes do not a masterpiece make. :)

I want to go this weekend. Maybe I will be a NovembersPaulite come Tuesday.
notice this movie came out today and novemberspaul has already seen it. i guess that either means he saw a preview last night or got to work at like 3am this morning and got off at noon and saw it today already. the latter being my vote.

uma looked sort of 80s dapper in her pink dress on Conan last night. her hair was rather 80s too, but not as appealing as the dress.

also, yeah i would like to see this. but considering the only movie i've seen in a theater this yr was finding nemo, i doubt it'll happen.
The Metro hated it? Holy shit, it probably is great.

After The Ninth Gate, I was wary of new Polanski. The first review I read of The Pianist was in the Metro, and they reviewed it as horrible, boring, pointless, and bashed Adrian Brody as a "wooden" actor who had ruined his career by being in the film and showcasing his lack of talent.

I immediately knew Polanski had come back in a big way, and was so excited to see The Pianist I went alone at 10pm on a weeknight that very week, 'cause no one would go with me. Needless to say, I think the Metro has been more or less objectively proven wrong.

This is also the paper that said We Were Soldiers was the "greatest war movie ever made".
xfer said:
I cannot possibly imagine how it could be better than Pulp Fiction.

I'm really looking forward to it, but wasn't it intended as a fighting/kung-fu movie, not really able to compete with his masterpiece? One review I saw gave it glowing praise, but said it's essentially all fight scenes. Fight scenes do not a masterpiece make. :)

I want to go this weekend. Maybe I will be a NovembersPaulite come Tuesday.

It's like all the best parts of Pulp Fiction, extended. Here's what makes this a masterpiece without spoiling anything. This movie is so violent, and has such a huge body count, and limb/body part removal rate, that he needed to come up with ways to still show this, and get it past the ratings board, and he used 3 different effective, and brilliant ways to acccomplish this, where you don't feel left wanting. Over the top? Sure! Unrealistic? At times, hell yeah, but FUN. Edge of your seat fun. It's not really a kung-fu movie, although a large portion of this movie deals with it. It's seperated into chapters like all of his movies, and one chapter is like this. This needed to be cut into two movies becasue of the length. Its almost 2 hours now, and we only get through 2 of 5 major chapters.

I loved this movie. (as you can tell)

Iv'e already started thinking about how i'm going to dodge responsibility for 2 hours and see it again.
xfer said:
I immediately knew Polanski had come back in a big way, and was so excited to see The Pianist I went alone at 10pm on a weeknight that very week, 'cause no one would go with me. Needless to say, I think the Metro has been more or less objectively proven wrong.
I go to those 10pm weeknight showings by myself too :lol:

I'll prolly have to do that for Kill Bill sometime this week.
Novembers Paul said:
Eric: Me and the Mrs. got a sitter, and played hookie today, and spent the day together. In there, we snuck in the movie, seeing as we're both big QT fans. Oh yes, we weren't missing this, child or no child.
*currently being forwarded to NovembersPaul's boss*

sometimes, hooky must be played.
ok, i saw Kill Bill today. and yes, it was tremendous. of course i've got to see the last half, but i project it could end up being better than Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown, but not quite as good as Pulp Fiction...but maybe even too hard to tell. Like A Clockwork Orange and 2001 to Kubrick, Tarantino maybe has a second Great film to his name as director that can't be compared to others he makes in terms of "better" and "worse".

i don't really like kungfuey stuff, and i think extended fight scenes are boring (last night, i tried to watch The Matrix Reloaded again and fell asleep partway through), but this still kept my interest level high. amazingly put-together and organized. many moments of brilliance, a few of less-than-brilliance, one or two parts that don't quite work, but nevertheless overall very very good. there's a lot of stuff going on in the film, so film students will be picking over the symbols and references for decades to come. yay!

the whole movie is what, a shade over three hours? so this 1hr 40min part flew by, and i could definitely have sat through the whole thing.