Killer metal debut.... crap after that


Oct 14, 2003
What metal bands do you think released killer debuts but never recorded anything even close in the years that followed? Basically bands who shot their wads on the their album and never lived up to the hype.

The first band that comes to my mind is Guns N Roses. Appetite was a great hard rock/ metal album but it was all down hill after that to me. Today they (Axl) is nothing more than a joke.
sixxswine said:
Most recently Saliva, Buckcherry, I would have to agree with you the one that really sticks out in my mind is Guns N Roses, also L.A. Guns, great debut disc downward spiral after that...

L.A. Guns is a great pick. The first album was fantastic.

How about S.O.D.? Speak English is a classic, and when I heard they were putting out a new album a couple years back I was all stoked up! When I heard it I felt like suing Scott Ian for fraud! I was soooo pissed off!
Greeno said:
How about S.O.D.? Speak English is a classic, and when I heard they were putting out a new album a couple years back I was all stoked up! When I heard it I felt like suing Scott Ian for fraud! I was soooo pissed off!
Dunno, I like "Bigger Than The Devil", I beleive that for a project, with so many yeras between releases, and some bad blood (that eventually took the band down for good) between the members, the second release is preteyy decentm, have some very good songs, 'Skool Bus', 'The Song That Don'r Go Fast', 'Kill All The Assholes', (the funny) 'Celtic Frosted Flakes', 'Charlie Don't Cheat, and the three amazing: 'Shenanigans', 'Free Dirty Needles' and 'We All Bleed Red'. It wasn't original, but it was what I expected from S.O.D. Let's get real the band doesn't much to offer than that.

I try to thing about bands wich burned all their fuel in the debut without never coming with something comparable, and it's difficult. Most bands I like either have their best albums mid-career, or never made more than one album :tickled:

The closest that comes to mind are maybe Sinergy (which debut was truly an interesting project of memebers from bands fro more extreme metal sub-genres) and Death Angel (which debut was thrashier and heavier than the following albums). Maybe Angel Witch because nothing they do afterwards compared with the debut.
Machine Head. Burn My Eyes is an outstanding album. I haven't listened to much of their other material, but based on what I've heard and general opinion of the band, they never came close to touching it.
Death Angel went down after their debut, as did Slayer, only to come back with Seasons In The Abyss, then they got worse. Cannibal Corpse's debut was alright, but i really couldn't get into their other albums. Angel Witch..sorta. But they didn't really put out much after their debut, and neither did Diamond Head. Annihilator had a GREAT debut, only to go a step down on the second album, then just fall totally flat afterwards.
Heaps of glam bands put out a great debut and never matched, and alot of them only put out compilations, remixes of demos, and stuff like that after too.

Here are some bands I think who's debut is easily their best release and went downhill after:

Roxx Gang
Pretty Boy Floyd
Faster Pussycat
LA Guns
Warrant (tho most of Cherry Pie rocks too but DRFSR is EASILY their shining moment imo)
Guns N Roses
Cinderella (suprised nobody mentioned them yet, nothing after Night Songs even came remotely close!)
Dio (didnt go bad by any means, love Sacred Heart & Last In Line too but Holy Diver is his opus..)
Vinnie Vincent Invasion (love both but the debut is far better)
Harem Scarem
Come on, folks – you gotta think harder before posting! Death Angel, Warrant and W.A.S.P.? So what about Act III, Cherry Pie and The Crimson Idol? And Machine Head? I know the common opinion but still I disagree. Through The Ashes Of Empires just kills!
I’d agree on Guns N Roses and Dio though. Another artist I’d like to add is the madman himself. I think Ozzy hasn’t managed to surpass his debut yet. Although the record overall sounds a little dated the songs are still outstanding.
Wyvern said:
The closest that comes to mind are maybe Sinergy (which debut was truly an interesting project of memebers from bands fro more extreme metal sub-genres) and Death Angel (which debut was thrashier and heavier than the following albums). Maybe Angel Witch because nothing they do afterwards compared with the debut.
Odd, my least favorite Sinergy is their debut. The third being my fave!
But I kinda agree concerning Death Angel, even if Act III was interesting.
I didn't say WASP went down the shitter after the 1st album, they've always rocked, just never matched the excellence of their debut! Same with Warrant, I love Cherry Pie and half of Dog Eat Dog... but Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich is their shining moment!
Guns N Roses. Appetite was really cool and Lies was decent because of the
acoustic stuff like "One in a Million" and "Patience" but that was an EP. Appetite
still holds up 15 years later as a great timeless rock record but Use Your Illusions
were so overproduced and Axl kept trying to Elton John and David Bowie he
forgot he was Axl Rose. These days I dont know who he thinks he is but
I dont think that GNR album of his will ever come out.

Latest Rumor: he cant work with any guitar players so he's learning to play
guitar and he's going to do it himself. Yah. Ok. The label has spent millions on
this record. When are they going to realize it's wasted cash? Or, do they
already know and they're wasting millions on him so they can use it as a loss
and have a great tax write off?
adammcauley100 said:
Machine Head. Burn My Eyes is an outstanding album. I haven't listened to much of their other material, but based on what I've heard and general opinion of the band, they never came close to touching it.

Since I Disagree with almost everybody here lol I am going to post to this one ...... Mr. Adam you are right on the money with that one I remember when I was much younger and that album came out I thought it was amazing Made me wanna be a singer in my own band hahahaha But anything I'v Heard after Burn My Eyes is crap it amazes me that the guitarist/singer was originally in Forbidden cause even at their worst points EXP. 1996's Green they still never crapped out as bad as Machine Head :D
JonnyD said:
it amazes me that the guitarist/singer was originally in Forbidden cause even at their worst points EXP. 1996's Green they still never crapped out as bad as Machine Head :D

What was wrong with Green? Green was a great record.
adammcauley100 said:
Machine Head. Burn My Eyes is an outstanding album. I haven't listened to much of their other material, but based on what I've heard and general opinion of the band, they never came close to touching it.

I've been listening to their latest record for a little while now and it's very
Burn My Eyes-esque. "Through the Ashes of Empires" is a return to tr00
Machine Head.
I would say Marylin Manson. His debut was pretty good and the rest is pure poser puke.

Van Halen deserves a spot in this bag too since no album came close to VH1 in my opinion, though I really like Fair Warning and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (AKA F.U.C.K)

BTW Officer, you've got a nice Avatar :wave:
Evil Ernie said:
Van Halen deserves a spot in this bag too since no album came close to VH1 in my opinion, though I really like Fair Warning and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (AKA F.U.C.K)

Damn Ernie, you better hope Ted doesn't read that. :) He may freak out and kill us all in a fit of Van Rage.

I liked VH II better than the first album. Bottoms Up being the best VH song ever. :)
Ah..the Mighy Van Halen. Such is my life. I have spent many a day in heated debate over who's the best/worst singer, and how Ed's playing is better/worse than ever, and how Michael Anthony's a hired gun, and how Al is just a "yes" man and this and that. Many love them. Many hate them . But never has my heart been trodden upon so heavily as to see my beloved Dutch boys accused of being "one hit wonders". My heart breaks and my spirit weeps. Uncle Ted has been dealt a blow of which he may not soon recover. Small children run to me with flowers and candy, and other gifts to be strewn about my person to try and restore hope. But alas, it is too late. I have been stricken down by this animosity and my will to go on has been abolished. Oh woe to thee, o doubting ones who have brought me to this place. The Mighty Van Halen shall rise in 2004. They shall bring joy again to my heart and take away this pain and suffering. Only then, shall my good feelings be restored. Cry for me, old schoolers. Let your tears be my cleansing. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
the humanity....


Yeah baby!