Kim Thayil


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Been listening to Soundgarden - Superunknown a lot lately because it, you know, kicks fucking ass. Chris Cornell did the solo thing and is now in Audioslave, Matt Cameron is in Pearl Jam, and apparently Ben Shephard (one of the most underrated bassists EVAR) has appeared on a bunch of stuff in the same scene, but where did Kim Thayil end up? One of the most innovative guitarists I ever came across, even during Soundgarden's less than stellar moments he always had something cool to offer.

"I play guitar because I like to make loud noises. And the guitar is the coolest way to make a loud noise."
--Kim Thayil

Plus he looks like the Zigzag dude!

I like SOundgarden a lot, but I never understood the praise for this guy. People love to salute the solo in Black Hole Sun, but I find that entire song to one of the worst songs on Superunknown. I really can't stand it. Maybe it's because it was played every 3. 64 seconds on the radio, though.

I think the voice of one Chris Cornell was clearly the band's strongest element.
He was quite innovative, or at the very least a direct extension of Jimmy Page. He's one of those dudes that makes a guitar come alive.

Although you're right about Cornell's voice. In his prime there aren't many finer vocalists around.
Heres a review of SOundgarden:

while one cannot help wishing somebody had taken all the guitars away from Kim Thayil ("Black Hole Sun" has the most atrocious guitar solo in recorded history).

Im no guitarist, bu I always thought he sucked.
I don't think he is an amazing guitarist, but I like his work. I think early Soundgarden kicks the shit out of their later stuff, and think Louder Than Love is easily their best album. By the time they got to Superunknown they didn't have much left in the tank. I do think their final album, Down on the Upside, is much better than Superunknown.
I really like Chris Cornell. I am hoping his new band Audioslave decides to go back to the old Rage Against the Machine days, now that they have a excellent vocalist. Enough already with all the slow ballads. Of all the new mainstream rock bands Ive heard, they have the most potential. And the bassist- i cant remember his name (he was in Rage Against too), is amazing, especially as he is one of the few bassists who gets a nice mix- really putting his instrument at the forefront of each song.
I agree Audioslave have the most potential out of all the bogus mainstream bands if only they would fucking rock out more.

Kim Thayil isn't exactly a virtuoso but fuckin A, you cannot deny that the guy came up with some amazing riffs. I could give a fuck if a guy can play some wacked out arrangement. What really matters is if a guy can write an amazing, heartfelt riff that stays with the person after shutting off the music.
Audioslave took one great band and one amazing vocalist and made one incredibly boring group. The riffs are stale, and even Cornell's vocals sound stiff. They have a few decent songs, not played on the radio of course.
Oh yeah and Black Hole Sun has one of my favorite guitar solos ever because it fits the song (unlike 90% of other guitar solos). The song begins with the eerily happy leslie stuff, then works its way toward the world's destruction, culminating in that insane solo.
I agree on Audioslave, but you have to admit they do have potential.

I dont know about that Black hole sun solo- its not slayer good, bad technical soloing. To me, Cornell creates the atmosphere and melody to each soundgarden song, and the band kind of just backs him up, especially on Black Hole Sun. I can remember his voice and the lyrics, not anything else.
speed said:
Heres a review of SOundgarden:

while one cannot help wishing somebody had taken all the guitars away from Kim Thayil ("Black Hole Sun" has the most atrocious guitar solo in recorded history).

Im no guitarist, bu I always thought he sucked.
haha, ROg hates Black HOle Sun.

and I agree with matt99crew in that DOwn on the Upside is better than Superunknown. Louder Than Love is quite good as well.

Cornell's solo album is really good if you like a mellow rock record.
True, the potential behind Audioslave is pretty good. Hopefully the next album will kick some ass.

I heard a bit of Cornell's solo album and thought it was great. All I remember is that Can't Save Me song, or whatever it's called.

The only Soundgarden album I know that was great all the way through was Superunknown. The others had strong moments but weren't terribly consistent. I don't think I've heard much of Ultramega OK.