i guess this photo is from my homeland (bulgaria), but it's possible to be and from romania, (i'm not so sure)... this is the usual landscape where the gipsy minority lives in the south eastern euprope...
Perfect example of maternal instinct. The house has just fell down and that, but she still makes sure the kids got its bottle. (thats if that is a woman.. Ivo?)
BUt whAt arE YOU TalkiNG abOUT?!!!!! Are yOU TRyINg to Say tHaT women aRE sECOnd RatE cItIzENS beCAUAse They LOOK afTER chILdReN? dONt YOU knOw ThAT ItS sexiST to clASSify A womANS JOB?
BUt whAt arE YOU TalkiNG abOUT?!!!!! Are yOU TRyINg to Say tHaT women aRE sECOnd RatE cItIzENS beCAUAse They LOOK afTER chILdReN? dONt YOU knOw ThAT ItS sexiST to clASSify A womANS JOB?