King Conquer - Mix and Master


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
Greetings alllll!

Here's a mix I just finished yesterday. Local band from around my area, drummer was extremely tight. No edits at all on them. Mixed ITB Nuendo with a Fireface 800, Yammy HS80m and KRK RP5's for further reference.

YouSendIt: The Leader in File Delivery.

They tracked at a friend of mines house. I didn't attend the session but he tracked all of it through a Mackie Onyx 1640. Guitars were a Line 6 HD147 (ack) so I did the best I could with them, as no DI's were taken.

Let me know what you dudes think!

The other song can be heard at their myspace;

Man, that guitar tone isn't too bad at all!

And the drums sound beefy as fuck! Especiall the kick! God damn!

God band too :D
Good work :)
Nice kick aways ;)
I don't like the guitars, though - they have unpleasant highs, which I guess is something to expect from a POD. I'd aslo bring them down just a bit.
great job:headbang:

Your mixes sound very clear and everything has its place! I really wanna be able to pull some mixes like this. Do you do a lot of eqing to get stuff in its place? Also are all drums sampled? Guitars sound great for what they are honestly.

I'm real curios about how you handled everything, like i said this is some good stuff!!
Thanks dudes!

Yeah, the guitars still have a strange high-end, but I guess that's the Line 6 in 'em. I low-passed at like 9.5k, haha. They were suppper fizzy and just thin sounding so I did my best to get them how I'd like.

As far as drums, Kick and Snare are samples, toms are natural.

And as far as EQ, I do enough to get things sounding how I'd like. Alot of high and low passing on stuff to get rid of schmotz and whatnot that just muddies or clutters the mix up.

The whole idea of giving every instrument its place EQ-wise and even aurally, ambience-wise really started to click with me only recently. That and mastering the 2-buss compressor and really compression in general..

I guess it all just takes time. I'm going on about 1 and a half years of experience now which is nothing really.. so. The more time I have the more things will click I suppose, haha.

Thanks dudes,
well whatever your doing sounds real good bro and it only gonna get better as you get into more if your already this far!! I'm trying to get were you are but I'm only like a year into this and now just really getting into drums and stuff!!
I guess it all just takes time. I'm going on about 1 and a half years of experience now which is nothing really.. so. The more time I have the more things will click I suppose, haha.

Thanks dudes,

Wow, I thought you've been mixing for ages :lol: I've heard a lot of mixes from people with a decade of experience and thousands of $ in equipment that don't sound as good as yours. Guess you just have talent..and ears :rolleyes: Cheers :kickass:
Kick ass splatt!

As soon as the vocals kick in, and the kick goes ballistic, i can really feel the heavyness of this mix!

i have a few things though, i am not going to complaint about the guitars... some people dig it, some dislike, the tone reminds me of entombed and obitchyourhairy a bit.. there is fizz, but it helps creating that heavy in your face tone, you know? i like it!

Only thing that springs to mind is that i think the OH's could be a bit louder... and that those cuts on the guitars are too abrupt for my liking (starting at 0:26)... but hey, maybe you wont even hear that without headphones on? i dunno, it's nothing major, so overall kickass mix Charlie!
Kicks ass!
guitar sound isn't bad at all coukd be a bit warmer and more "natural" but fits for the style! I find the snare a bit "dry" and the overheads a bit "thin" on the loud parts...

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