King Diamond and Warrel Dane

John Gargo

Mar 4, 2003
New York
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I was listening to King Diamond's latest album (THE PUPPET MASTER... his best album since the 80s in my opinion), and I hear a lot of similarities between King Diamond's vocals and Warrel Dane's... both have unusual (I don't mean that in a bad way) melodic mid-ranged vocals that occasionally shoot up to the high range.

Any fans of KD's vocals, and how do you see them as comparing to Warrel Dane's?
John Gargo said:
I was listening to King Diamond's latest album (THE PUPPET MASTER... his best album since the 80s in my opinion), and I hear a lot of similarities between King Diamond's vocals and Warrel Dane's... both have unusual (I don't mean that in a bad way) melodic mid-ranged vocals that occasionally shoot up to the high range.

Any fans of KD's vocals, and how do you see them as comparing to Warrel Dane's?

That was especially true in the sanctuary days
Been listening to Fate and King since the start of it all! When Sancutary's first disc came out I flipped! This Warrel Dane had it all! A combo of Halford and King. Warrel and King have many similarities but King sings from the nasal passage much like Ozzy, Warrel sings from the mid -section, like DIO. The first Sanctuary disc has Warrel trying to sing higher than anyone else, he has said this in old interviews. Thank fully he brought it down a notch and showed his full range with Mirror Black. WD's performance live on the Mirror tour stands as the MOST awesome vocal performance I have ever seen from a metal/hard rock singer, Steve Perry of Journey can hit all the note's with ease, Warrel did it with ease and power to SPARE!
Bless their pointed lil HEADS!

John Gargo said:
I was listening to King Diamond's latest album (THE PUPPET MASTER... his best album since the 80s in my opinion), and I hear a lot of similarities between King Diamond's vocals and Warrel Dane's... both have unusual (I don't mean that in a bad way) melodic mid-ranged vocals that occasionally shoot up to the high range.

Any fans of KD's vocals, and how do you see them as comparing to Warrel Dane's?
They say Russell Allenis the one and only metal singer now.....

I recon the best at the monent is David Draiman


ANGRA never enjoyed - sorry, I mostly listen to electro industrial gothic now....very fresh
As far as Vocalists. I think Warrel is the most versatile out there possibly even ever. he can scream, harmonize, growl and do it all.....

My fave vocealist ever to be totally honest.

Russel rocks for sure but hes not nearly as veratile as Warrel

Da Fukn Guru
Scarlet_Malice said:
I was at a party met a women that looks just like king diamond....It was SO scary :tickled:

As far as WD vocals go, they are my fav. for sure. He has a great range and I find his voice very unique.

But hasn't been hitting the top of the range lately. If he WERE to
be in on that SK "re-record project" I'm sure he would bury
any critic or naysayer questioning his health or ability.
WARREL, DO THE VOCALS just like the ooooold days!!!
I dare anyone to say a bad word about KD (not Kraft Dinner)
To Mr. Dane.He has Mega respect for the man..Check out Corpse Without Soul and bow Damm Yankees

Sure...WD and KD go way back before most here in the states knew of Fate.
Warrel along with the SK were backstage at the very first US show in Portland in October '84.
There's two interesting stories to along with it but to reply to KD being a "pussy"...they were serving spaghetti and dark beer backstage and one guy named Eric who came with a photographer borrowed Diamond's fork. On the trip back to Seattle this Eric guy was puking his F'n guts out all up I-5. Everyone else was fine.

The photographer got some cool pics and about 30 of SK doing a show the following week in Seattle. SK could probably could have opened the Portland show but had nothing released to justify it although it was tossed around. KD also wanted to stay over at the SK band house and do a Seattle show but got held up in getting visas. That would have made for some freaky fun Shhhiiiit
and Seattle being the first Fate USA show.
a guy... said:
DVD??? :hypno: Must buy.... must buy...

Yeah, it has demos, the wonderful, already issued BBC show I believe and a DVD of the Dynamo '83, but it's only three songs! :cry:

I'm guessing they will re-release all of the Fate stuff and put two-three cuts from the show on each offering, only then to release the full show later.

Still, it's Fate and you gotta buy it! :rock: