King Diamond "bone cross" mic


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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So I picked up this cd today called "the METALLIC-ERA" which is a compilation of the original artists and songs covered by Metallica...not a bad find for $7.99, I thought....Anyway, reading the booklet and there was a little essay on each band. Got to the MERCYFUL FATE bit, and it said that KING DIAMOND'S FAMOUS "BONE CROSS" MICROPHONE IS ACTUALLY MADE OF HUMAN THIGH BONES!!!!!!!!! Whoah...just wondered if anyone knew if there's any truth to that? That's kinda crazy....I can't decide if that makes me think MORE or less of him! haha Crazy stuff....or is this just a rumor like the one that Gene Simmons sewed a cow's tongue in his mouth...what do y'all think?
I have no idea if that's true or not but it wouldn't surprise me. They used to have the "Melissa" human skull prop at MF shows. Either way it's a badass microphone.
The man himself:

I Knew KD in the very early beginnings of MF. In those day they would play a lot at the Dynamo in Eindhoven. After the show they would jump from the stage, walk to the bar and have a drink. He told me that he followed some kind of medical education and thats were he got "his bones" from. So yea, they are real. BTW, one of the nicests guys I ever met in the metal scene.
Hawk said:
I Knew KD in the very early beginnings of MF. In those day they would play a lot at the Dynamo in Eindhoven. After the show they would jump from the stage, walk to the bar and have a drink. He told me that he followed some kind of medical education and thats were he got "his bones" from. So yea, they are real. BTW, one of the nicests guys I ever met in the metal scene.

Man that is fukin cool! words cant even describe :worship: :worship: