King Diamond, Kreator, Leaves Eyes, and Cellador to team up for North American tour?

Ok, so that comment didn't elicit the reply I had hoped.
I was hoping for something like, "EXPECT POWERFEST ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY" :)

We had thought about getting that tour stop for Powerfest, but we're trying to not have to do that since it would take away from the novelty of a Powerfest lineup (even though that's a killer tour package)...especially for the Saturday night of the fest.
Yeah, I agree that it would almost be "too easy" to have a package tour as part of the fest. I remember a few years back BWBK Fest did that with Dark Tranquillity, Soilwork, and Hypocrisy. It was like, ok, three solid bands, but they are on tour all over the country, so what's the excitement?
I wish this show was at the House of Blues.

I can't disagree more. Every time I go to HOB, I leave with ears ringing. With Kreator playing, I'm sure that would happen again. The Pearl Room may be small, but the sound is great. Plus they never kick you out like HOB does, so I may have a chance to meet the King :headbang:
I am sick of having to drive halfway across the country to the Pearl Room. It is a nice place but I like the House Of Blues way better. there is no way King Diamond will be able to put on any type of stage show on that small stage. It is cool for smaller bands but a band with any type of stage isnt going to work.

I have had only one bad experince with sound at the House of Blues. Other than that it has been flawless there for me. Plus it is a quick short train or bus ride home for me.
The sound at HOB is stellar.
Pearl Room is a nice place and I wouldn't knock it for the majority of bands they have been booking.

I am with Bob on this one, that for King and his stage show, HOB or Metro would have been a better choice.

Doesn't matter. Will kicketh major ass nonetheless!
it is not my problem that you hillbilly's cant live in the city. I wonder what bands think when they think they are playing the city and end up in Mokena.
I read that Atheist were kinda bummed. Kind of like Angra was shocked when they were in Aurora.