King may cancel his US tour

Metal head87

Jul 17, 2006
I doubt I'll be the only one here who would be devastated, but here's the article:
King Diamond has told that he may be forced to cancel his band's U.S. tour — which is scheduled to launch March 23 in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, and run through May 8 in Houston — due to a herniated disc.

"I can't sit down, even on my couch, for more than a few minutes," he said. "About a month ago I tried, and after 15 minutes, it started feeling like my left leg was getting set on fire."

"It can take up to a year and a half for a severe herniated disc to heal properly, but it varies from person to person," he added. "So, we are crossing our fingers and praying that we won't have to cancel the U.S shows. Right now there's not much more we can do."

Diamond got a taste of what might happen if he hits the road too soon in September when director Bill Schacht from video company Aestheticom — which has also worked with AMON AMARTH — shot a video for "Give Me Your Soul", the first KING DIAMOND clip in 17 years. "They limited what I had to do, of course, so I only did one day of shooting for 90 minutes, but just standing there moving a little bit in the full outfit was very difficult," he said. "And afterwards, I got one of those sharp attacks of pain that I hadn't had in a month and a half. The only thing I can compare it to is a really super-bad toothache or earache. And afterwards, I was like, 'OK, I'm not ready [to tour] yet.' "

Regarding how he injured his back, the 51-year-old singer said, "I think the real damage happened mixing the record, because I did that three weeks straight for a minimum of 12 hours a day. One of the last nights, when I was going to bed, I felt these pains in the sciatic nerves on each side, and I thought, 'Oh what is this?' The next morning I woke up and I couldn't walk or stand. It was like being paralyzed. I can't begin to say how painful it was. They say that's the worst pain you can experience as a human being. Had I not lived on the ground floor in a house, I would have jumped out the window."

I hope King has a speedy recovery. Maybe some exercises would help speed up the healing process.
Me too.
King live > orgasm

I really want to see Kreator as well, since they are one of my favorite thrash bands. But King is, well, the King!
I haven't heard about a herniated disk taking that long to heal.
He must have really aggravated it during the recording. I'm still hoping he'll tour though. I've been waiting for another King tour since the second he said "see you next time" on his previous US tour
Did you see him when he did the Deadly Lullibys tour? I think that was the last one for me. tour's I have seen him

Voodoo tour Connetticut got the tour shirt
HOG tour Rhoad Island again got 2 shirts and a poster
Puppet Master tour Connetticut got a long sleeve
Deadly Lullibys worchester MA got the hoodie

Mercyful Fate
Dead time tour Connetticut
With Nevermore in Worchester MA
9 Tour Connetticut got an autographed baseball long sleeve

Jesus, I bought a lot of KD shit at shows.

I think I have like 15 KD shirts and a few MF ones too.

along with 26 cd's over all
I've never seen KD live. In fact, I first heard THEM a couple months ago. I know how you feel about dating men Dan but you might need to make an exception and take me along if he doesn't cancel!
Yeah, I was at the Deadly Lullabyes tour, and the Puppetmaster tour.
Haven't seen any other tours, and definitely not any Mercyful Fate tour. I have to see them live one day though. I must see Satan's Fall in its entirety
Bootlegs are awesome, but it's not quite the real thing
That would suck if he cancels but I can understand why as I've had excruciating back pain for a short period of time (and stretching helped with getting back to normal quite a bit). I've seen him three times so far:

Summer (think it was summer) 2000 at Salisbury Beach
Shitty rainy night in New Haven 3hr ride down, 3 hrs back with Robinson in his truck) but was a great show, especially when he stopped and told the assholes if they kept fighting he'd stop the show and it'd end there and then. Had to tell them a 2nd time but he did the full show.
2006 at Palladium for Puppet Master/whatever that tour was called. Good show, very good turnout there.

I wish him a speedy recovery! And don't cancel!!!!!!! Otherwise Dan will commit suicide if he can't see The King just ONE MORE TIME! LOL
Should we draft Dan's obituary? Or maybe he'll turn this into an album. I can see it now "Yeah. I was going to write this concept album about the end of the world but then King Diamond cancelled his tour so I pounded out 'Damn The Slipped Disc' in about two days. It's about the more pressing issue of how bleak a place the world is without the King!"
Should we draft Dan's obituary? Or maybe he'll turn this into an album. I can see it now "Yeah. I was going to write this concept album about the end of the world but then King Diamond cancelled his tour so I pounded out 'Damn The Slipped Disc' in about two days. It's about the more pressing issue of how bleak a place the world is without the King!"

Ha ha ha, that's a riot! lol!
Nah, it's the US Grammy Awards, if I'm not mistaken. It's for Never Ending Hill.
It's pretty weird that he would be nominated. He's well known in the metal scene, but he's still a cult icon for the most part. It's still awesome though
Yeah. Even though he doesn't really have much of a chance to win, at least he gets some kind of recognition. Like when Maiden got a nomination for The Wicker Man