Kings of Leon

Apr 23, 2006
i gotta say i dont mind these guys at all!! took me a while but theyve definetly grown on me! apparently they put on a kick ass live show as well!
I really hate this band. I don't know why. There aren't a lot of bands I hate. Kings Of Leon are one of them though.
yeah, they seem to be in a large group of new bands that take everything from old bands.

no offense if you like them, but ive heard enough of their stuff to not impress me.
They have some interesting moments, but yeah.. Seems all rather.. Done before. A band i can listen to in the background, but i probably wouldn't even bother downloading their stuff.
Personally I really like them. Something about the singer's voice.
Saw them a couple of times at festivals, there tight and moderatley exciting live but no longevity i think beacause of the times lol! im hilarious