Kiss also touring in March

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Paul Stanley has just said in an interview that they are doing a tour of Australia & New Zealand in March which will involve also playing at the Melbourne Grand Prix...
wouldnt mind seeing Kiss live doubtful I could afford the ticket though. I reckon they might make to Adelaide though. Paul Stanleys voice still holds alright, doesnt it? Can't he also do more than starjump on the spot onstage?
Kiss will go to Adelaide, they pretty much do everywhere usually. If they're even doing New Zealand, they'll do Adelaide! Haha!
Paul's voice is still awesome. Not what is was in the late 80s when it was at its strongest, but better than what it was in the 70s still! And still a very active showman despite the hip replacement!!!
I was very skeptical about the 2004 tour, worried that it wouldn't be very good. But I actually thought it was excellent and the band sounded better than the Farewell Tour... and the setlists were also way better (Creatures Of The Night, War Machine, Unholy, Tears Are Falling, etc).
This will be 2008 though now, but who knows - Paul certainly delivered the goods on his solo tour this year! Gene is pretty much always the same. Eric is still a monster behind the kit. Tommy can play a hell of a lot better than Ace now. So there's no reason this tour shouldn't be good either I don't think!
The beginning of next year is getting silly!

Almost enough for Graham Chapman to take the stage at the beginning of KISS' set and yell "RIGHT, STOP THAT!" :)

Even though he does an acceptable Ace impression, Tommy can't play Vinnie or Bruce's solos to save himself. I skipped the 2004 tour for that reason, but I might go this time since I'll need cheering up around Feb/March.

I'll see how the funds are, but it would be cool to see a "full" KISS show. I saw the KISS "in your face" show at the Enmore (?) when they were here last which was really stripped down to what one of their early 70s show was like, and that was killer. Even after you strip away the massive production and huge venue, those guys proved that they're still a damn excellent rock band under all of that stuff.