kiss the void in my ASS


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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doom you say? Well, 1st off, you must be set straight. Stoner doom is NOT, repeat...IS NOT the more original form of doom....its more in the lines of Doom AFTERBIRTH...Its ok, but not the SHIT, so to speak.
2nd, you need to get your filthy little punk ass hands on ENCHANTMENT, good stuff, in the lines of My Dying Bride.

HAND OF DOOM by Sab was the FIRST doom song BTW.....if you think otherwise.....well, your wrong.
BIG R>>>> ok, whats your input. ITs ok, you can say other than hand of doom, im givin you the ticket to ride.....but i decide if your right or wrong.
I'd say the first album has lots of doom on it. But I can see why you'd say HoD, lyrically it's far more in line with what doom is about, but stuff like NIB and Black Sabbath have all kinds of melancholy and darkness and that's total FUCKING doom.
Big R>>>>Sure, the 1st one has lots of catchy stuff...One could say the title track could be the 1st doom tune..but i still say hand of doom....

NIB is too fast, not slow and drug out enough...true doom is OPRESSIVELY slow...lyrics really haev nothing to do with doom, its how the words are articulated that makes it doom....but yeah, take a biog ol bite outta HoD, check teh guitar and bass, and drums, SLOW and drawn out....
KARMY >>>yeah, if you continue to slurp ass, eventually, you face is gonna look like your little smily guy, your gonna be sick....DESINTARY (spell???)
KARMY >>>yeah, if you continue to slurp ass, eventually, you face is gonna look like your little smily guy, your gonna be sick....DESINTARY (spell???)


yeahhhhhhh it's a tough call about the SAB-stuff. The first is arguable as being doom, proto-doom sure, but it's a sound that refined with each release. By Master of Reality, they had the style down like a mutha, but the transition occurred prior to that, and I'd agree with Hand of Doom being that turning point.

Instead of proclaiming the title track on the first as the birth of doom, I'd dare say it's apropos to just claim it as the birth of METAL.
The thing with doom is, imo, it's become a misconception that doom needs to be consistently plodding. I blame all these new shit fuck neo doom bands (MDB and funeral doom in general).

Witchfinder General for instance have a few songs a little high in the beat count, but they're SO doom. NIB is some perfect doom imo. It's not just the music's speed, the right vocal melodies still make it doom.
All valid points because , for example, that huge "maryland doom" sound is definitely upbeat. It's about the fuckin' RIFFS! all inspired from the realms of sabbath.
doom you say? Well, 1st off, you must be set straight. Stoner doom is NOT, repeat...IS NOT the more original form of doom....its more in the lines of Doom AFTERBIRTH...Its ok, but not the SHIT, so to speak.
2nd, you need to get your filthy little punk ass hands on ENCHANTMENT, good stuff, in the lines of My Dying Bride.

HAND OF DOOM by Sab was the FIRST doom song BTW.....if you think otherwise.....well, your wrong.

yeah, because sabbath and the people who listened to them weren't constantly fucking high.