Kiss tonight....


Bass Gear Geek
Nov 14, 2005
Good luck tonight ladies and bring back pictures and stories of the gig. :headbang:

it was down near san diego. even the kiss website didn't mention it at all till this morning. guess they didn't want thousands of kiss fans showing up hoping to get in.
Thanks for the well-wishes!! OMG what a night!!! I'm pretty tired now but had to at least say that it was one hell of a party! Cisco really knows how to treat their customers and employees with style!! We have video, pics and stories coming shortly!! Aja and I were front row at the barracades! So fun! Carnival rides, Guitar Hero II, food, beer & wine, killer bands and an amazing hotel! Damn..............
Phew - Oh,whattanight! :Spin: The stage was amazing and the girls in Zepparella and AC/DShe were a bunch of sweethearts. Our show was so much fun but way too short! Only 30 minutes - we were just getting warmed up! I guess the audience felt the same because thye kept chanting for one more song when we left the stage but since we were on a tight schedule we couldn't oblige.

KISS was just killer - what a show they put on! I've never seen them live before and it's been a long time since I've gone to a concert that was so much pure fun! As Linda said, we got to the barricades even thought the crowd was quite dense. But when people saw it was us weaving our way throught the crowd they were so nice - they helped us get up front so we ended up on Paul's side. KISS are the masters of entertainment - even though you really do miss Ace and Peter. The guys that have taken their place are good musicians so they sounded great but they just don't have the kind of rock star charisma of Gene and Paul so your eyes just automatically stay glued to them throughout the show. They didn't disappoint. Even though I really wanted a Paul plectrum I did manage to get 2 repl'ACE'ment picks thanks to the really nice security guy in front of us- one for me and one for Linda! And they had the granddaddies of all CO2 explosions - one side shot CO2 and one side shot confetti. I hope my camera phone was able to capture it all! I had so much fun just screaming along with all those oh so fun party tunes - I barely had a voice after the show! There's nothing like good ole four chord rock n roll! I felt like I was 15 again! :headbang:
I wanna hear how many of them got hit on by Gene.that guy is shameless!!

We didn't get to meet Kiss but we got to see their show so we can't complain. :) They probably don't have much of an opportunity to hang out since there is so much preparation involved with putting on their costumes, make-up, etc.,
I've seen them several times (they are one of my favorite bands) but this time I had the best seat I ever had. I took some killer photos and got Gene's setlist at the end of the show so that was really cool. I'm thinking about seeing them again at their show on Friday.
That is so cool! I'm hoping AC/DShe & Zepperalla took photos are will post reviews...otherwise I'll just ask them about it when I see them.

Hey Linda, I'm still waiting for you reply?

Will you marry me? Just know what question...the cds. Just get to me & I'll send them.

Do any one of you have the audio to the unplugged show from Sunday? I'd love to get a copy!

I'm just getting ready for the Scorpions + Heaven & Hell shows in Sept/Oct!

I'll be at the Scorpions show at Universal City Sept 15 & the Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio on Sept 16...Are any of you planning on going?

Backstage for Iron Maiden in 2004 @ Universal City is where I 1st meet you!!!

Up the Irons,
Phew - Oh,whattanight! :Spin: The stage was amazing and the girls in Zepparella and AC/DShe were a bunch of sweethearts. Our show was so much fun but way too short! Only 30 minutes - we were just getting warmed up! I guess the audience felt the same because thye kept chanting for one more song when we left the stage but since we were on a tight schedule we couldn't oblige.

KISS was just killer - what a show they put on! I've never seen them live before and it's been a long time since I've gone to a concert that was so much pure fun! As Linda said, we got to the barricades even thought the crowd was quite dense. But when people saw it was us weaving our way throught the crowd they were so nice - they helped us get up front so we ended up on Paul's side. KISS are the masters of entertainment - even though you really do miss Ace and Peter. The guys that have taken their place are good musicians so they sounded great but they just don't have the kind of rock star charisma of Gene and Paul so your eyes just automatically stay glued to them throughout the show. They didn't disappoint. Even though I really wanted a Paul plectrum I did manage to get 2 repl'ACE'ment picks thanks to the really nice security guy in front of us- one for me and one for Linda! And they had the granddaddies of all CO2 explosions - one side shot CO2 and one side shot confetti. I hope my camera phone was able to capture it all! I had so much fun just screaming along with all those oh so fun party tunes - I barely had a voice after the show! There's nothing like good ole four chord rock n roll! I felt like I was 15 again! :headbang:

To me, nothing beats the feeling of being on the barrier, screaming along to every word, making eye contact with your idols and scoring plectrums etc thrown from the stage. Best feeling in the world imo!!! :kickass: Now it's my turn to be jealous of your great review!!! :lol: :headbang: