Knowledge is power

Do a search on "hypnotic pseudomemory" (to silver and aarohi).

Aside from that, it should be clear just from a common sense basis that (1) since we live in a world defined and limited by space (and time), our brain can be no exception to this rule and (2) in the same way every organ of every organism disposes of waste, so too the brain of needless information. There really is no reason what-so-ever to keep and accumulate needless information endlessly (assuming the storage capacity was there, which it clearly is not) especially if it is non-relavent. If it did, it would not be hard at all to conceive of this becoming an insurmountable obstacle before long.

Again, a constant stream of hundreds of billions of bits coming through all your sense (not to mention all the dreams and information you create in response to all the information) stored over a period of 75 years in a brain the size of a small cantaloupe? I think the onus is on you guys.