Korn Dubstep

With a $25 piece of software, and 30 minutes of free time, you can create this stuff at home. It's a fad, and it will disappear into obscurity before you know it.
All metal vocalists are just talentless screamers that anyone could replicate. Stereotypes based on ignorance are pretty funny, huh?

A friend of mine is a producer/DJ whose notoriety and success have been on a decent upswing, and having seen his evolution in creating music for several years, it's safe to say that you could buy the same software he uses and make something with it...but it probably wouldn't be very good. Just because you're not interested in something, doesn't mean it doesn't require talent to execute well.
All metal vocalists are just talentless screamers that anyone could replicate. Stereotypes based on ignorance are pretty funny, huh?

A friend of mine is a producer/DJ whose notoriety and success have been on a decent upswing, and having seen his evolution in creating music for several years, it's safe to say that you could buy the same software he uses and make something with it...but it probably wouldn't be very good. Just because you're not interested in something, doesn't mean it doesn't require talent to execute well.

For electronic music in general, I agree with the general gist of what you're saying. For dubstep, 9 times out of 10, it falls under the 'talentless shit' category.
Having a BA in Audio Engineering and Electronic Music, I'm basically required to be involved in this thread... but ..... so instead I'm going to defend electronic music by saying that Infected Mushroom are indeed fantastic, and posting the song that got me into dubstep. It'll break you in gently, and is not talentless, tyvm:

My choice for dubstep is Excision. Good aggressive filthy alien dub :cool: Not for everyone, methinks:
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All metal vocalists are just talentless screamers that anyone could replicate. Stereotypes based on ignorance are pretty funny, huh?

A friend of mine is a producer/DJ whose notoriety and success have been on a decent upswing, and having seen his evolution in creating music for several years, it's safe to say that you could buy the same software he uses and make something with it...but it probably wouldn't be very good. Just because you're not interested in something, doesn't mean it doesn't require talent to execute well.

For electronic music in general, I agree with the general gist of what you're saying. For dubstep, 9 times out of 10, it falls under the 'talentless shit' category.

I was only speaking of Dubstep, and not electronic music in general. :)
Had heard the term dubstep before. No idea what it was. Even after reading the Wiki, I still have no idea what it is. Sounds like 'techno' garbage to me.

If I want electronic elements to my metal, I'll listen to Fear Factory's Demanufacture, thank you :p
Sorry, I'm not 'well versed' in genres outside of metal enough to know the difference between dubstep, techno, electronica, etc. Frankly I don't care either. Sounds the same to me. Just like white people all look alike, black people all look alike, asians all look alike, etc etc etc. Yes, if I cared enough to pay close attention, maybe I'd learn the difference. But I don't, so I don't. My bad I guess?