

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Any fans? I have loved the first one for years (even though I haven't listened to it for a long time now), Life if Peachy was like rehashed version of the first, and Follow the Leader and Issues both blew. Anybody know if that Untouchables CD was any good, or did it follow along the same trashy lines as the previous two?

BTW, I just read a review of Life as Peachy describing the riffs as coming "straight out of underground black metal." That made me laugh (yet feel a bit queasy).
I've always found them laughably bad and annoying, so I don't listen to them. Your choice is a choice of your own though, so I won't bash ya for it.
I used to be a huge Korn kid back in high school. Obviously grew the hell outta THAT phase, though. Issues sucked more ass than Follow the Leader..and judging from the shit I overheard on the radio one night (k-rock, the station here in nyc, dedicated a segment of time to playing a few tracks from Untouchables a while ago), ye gods, that band should really drop off the face of the earth. Their 15 minutes of fame are long over and done with.

Only people that possibly still think Korn kicks major ass are yuppies who are trying to be "with-it" (when they've lost it after graduating from college with their business degrees) and little mallcore kiddies that are sadly born and bred on the marketing ploy of a program known to all as MTV's TRL.

Err...yeah..heh. *gets off her soapbox* Untouchables does suck more ass than Issues and FTL. Nothing will ever compare to the first or 2nd album.
Originally posted by XprettylushX
I used to be a huge Korn kid back in high school. Obviously grew the hell outta THAT phase, though. Issues sucked more ass than Follow the Leader..and judging from the shit I overheard on the radio one night (k-rock, the station here in nyc, dedicated a segment of time to playing a few tracks from Untouchables a while ago), ye gods, that band should really drop off the face of the earth. Their 15 minutes of fame are long over and done with.

Only people that possibly still think Korn kicks major ass are yuppies who are trying to be "with-it" (when they've lost it after graduating from college with their business degrees) and little mallcore kiddies that are sadly born and bred on the marketing ploy of a program known to all as MTV's TRL.

Err...yeah..heh. *gets off her soapbox* Untouchables does suck more ass than Issues and FTL. Nothing will ever compare to the first or 2nd album.

While I agree with everything you've said, I actually aim to comment on your quoted picture of the poisonthewell logo. I love that band like..SEVERELY..what other hardcore bands are you into? (I use hardcore loosely, I realize PTW have some emo influence to them as well..but in general..)
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
While I agree with everything you've said, I actually aim to comment on your quoted picture of the poisonthewell logo. I love that band like..SEVERELY..what other hardcore bands are you into? (I use hardcore loosely, I realize PTW have some emo influence to them as well..but in general..)

Heh..I love PTW a bunch as well (obviously..heh). As for other hardcore bands I'm into? Jeebus..that's like a huge friggin list but it goes something like this:
Unearth, Atreyu, hatebreed, The Red Chord, E.town Concrete, Shattered Realm, Shai Hulud, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Snapcase, 25 ta Life, Bad Luck 13, Eighteen Visions, Curlupanddie, Sick of it All, and a bunch of others that escape my memory at the moment.
Originally posted by XprettylushX
Heh..I love PTW a bunch as well (obviously..heh). As for other hardcore bands I'm into? Jeebus..that's like a huge friggin list but it goes something like this:
Unearth, Atreyu, hatebreed, The Red Chord, E.town Concrete, Shattered Realm, Shai Hulud, Lamb of God, God Forbid, Snapcase, 25 ta Life, Bad Luck 13, Eighteen Visions, Curlupanddie, Sick of it All, and a bunch of others that escape my memory at the moment.

Hell yes, I love all of those bands esp. Shai Hulud, Lamb of God, Snapcase, and God Forbid. I have E-Town Concrete's Time2Shine..always considered it a little more on hip hop side of metal..good nonetheless. I've been meaning to check out Atreyu and 18 Visions..
Originally posted by XprettylushX
Only people that possibly still think Korn kicks major ass are yuppies who are trying to be "with-it" (when they've lost it after graduating from college with their business degrees)
HEY!!! Oh wait, I didn't major in business. :D

Thanks for the replies, I figured the latest one was flushable just like the last few. Oh well, I thought Pearl Jam sucked after their first album too. :)
KoRn's first abulm was fine, it wasn't complete shit and it wasn't great either. It was just... there. The rest wasn't too good. I can remember liking one song, off Life is Peachy and it was the Mr. Rogers one. :) I just found that kinda funny.

And considering the singles released from Untouchables... I can say I think it pretty much blew just like the last two.
Firstoff, I've lived in Bakersfield for the past eight years, and being that Korn are from here, I know a bit of trash about the idiots.

Fuck that band, they're a bunch of gold-chain sporting, porno/sex braggarts with no originality when it comes to music. Johnathan Davis has yet to even PONDER the thought of writing a song about something other than his depression.

Fuck Korn and the throngs of nu-metal minions they have gathered over the years.
I love the first album. it makes up for anything bad they've done imo. All the same, they've gone severly downhill since 1994...
It makes up for everything they've done? I'm not sure about that... the new abulm didn't even have bagpipes man, c'mon. I know the words "evolution" and "progression" will come into play here, but there's a good type of progression and a bad type.

Two guesses which type KoRn is guilty of.