Kostenprofiles - Diezel VH4 KPA Profile Pack


New Metal Member
Jun 20, 2015
The pack includes 134 high-quality KPA profile of the third and fourth channels of Diezel VH4 amplifier, with different tonestack settings and MIC positions. 83 merged and 6 studio profiles created using a Shure SM57 microphone, 6 merged profiles using a Sennheiser MD421, 22 studio profiles using a MAXON OD920 stompbox in front of the amp, 17 DI profiles. Two Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinets (slant and striaght) were used for create the studio profiles.
Shop Page here: http://kostenprofiles.com/diez_pack
Diez HiGain Pack (based on Diezel Hagen Amp) is out
The pack includes 514 high-quality KPA profile of the third and fourth channels of Diezel Hagen amplifier, with a different tonestack settings and MIC positions. 343 merged profiles created using Shure SM57 microphone , 31 merged profiles using the Sennheiser MD421, 60 merged profiles using MAXON OD920 stompbox in front of amp, 80 DI profiles. Two mesa rectifier 4x12 cabinets (slant and straight) used for create a studio profiles.