New Profile Pack: RACK Rectifier (2CH, Voodoo mod) - INTRO SALE UNTIL 9 JAN


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2014
Hi guys!

I am super excited to introduce our newest profile pack - it's of an incredible sounding, two-channel Rack Dual Rectifier! This particular one was modded by Voodoo Amps and it's a beast :D

The 10 profiles in this pack go from clean to "brooootz" and in my opinion especially the heavier tones turned out great!

For this pack we used a Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cab, and some of the profiles have a Maxon OD820 or an Ibanez TS9 pedal "baked in" for additional tightness. We did the profiling in a really nice studio room, using an SM57 and AKG mics.

More info and purchase here (currently on INTRO SALE for 5.99 EUR):

A brief demo showing off TEH MEHTULZZ:

…aaaand one for the mellower fellows with a bit of soloing:

Thanks for checking it out and let me know if you have any questions!!
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