Black Friday Sale - 30% OFF Diezel VH4 & Peavey 6505 Packs


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2014
Hi guys,

we're having a Black Friday sale on our VH4 and 6505 Packs! Each pack including 9 profiles is now just 5.59 EUR (regular price: 7.99 EUR)! The sale lasts until the end of Sunday, European time.

Both packs were "shot" with a Mesa Boogie Rectifier cab and great mics in a great studio room.

The 6505 is perfect for punk, metal and hardcore. The VH4 can do those too but is a bit ore versatile IMHO (especially on the cleaner side). Both great amps!

More info and purchase here:

Here's a quick heavy-ish demo the VH4 pack:

…and here the same thing for the 6505:
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