Krank Rev Jr. Pro 50 or Jet City JCA100H? If you've got clips, please post 'em!

Marcus, a bit OT, but did you ever get around to doing that 81TW/89 shootout you mentioned you wanted to do?
Don't have any hands on experience with a Jet City but I do know that it has the EXACT SAME circuit has the Soldano Hot Rod 100....and one of those I do have...and it slays my Krank tenfold
Hey Marcus you got lucky, band got done early tonight.

So here is the Krank, with some photos of the micing technique. This is a 50/50 blend of 2 mics. Audix i5 and a 57. 2 different speakers the 57 is straight on, and the Audix is at an angle. See photos.....

Settings on the Krank:

Sweep 7
Bass 5 1/2
Midrange 3
Treble 8
Master 3
Gain 8
Boost Off
Fx Loop Off

TS Settings:
Gain 3
Level 12:00
Tone 12:00



The 609 in this photo was not used. I tracked it but it didn't sound right with the i5 and the 57


This was done with a Mesa 2x12 with Celestion v30s

I was having some issues with Slate and the Midi on this track. I need to re-download it as I think the Midi for the drums I have is corrupted, there is also a small spot where the bass drops out for a sec. Ignore those parts 99% of the song is here.
I've never owned a Jet City or heard one up until recently, but I have owned a number of Marshalls, Mesas, Kranks, Peaveys, etc. (mostly the sought after models.) I've owned them from times spanning from a few weeks to a few years depending on how impressive they were. What I can safely say is that the times I was happiest with my tone (for recording purposes) were with a Canadian 1986 Marshall JCM 800, a Mesa Dual rectifier (pre 500 s/n) and right now with my Krank Rev Jr. Now if only I could have all three at the same time...<sigh>...Oh, yeah, and for those of you who haven't done this already, either get a Mesa 1X12 or have the Krank 1X12 loaded with a Vintage 30. Makes a world of difference, the latter.
Hey Jason and others, sorry I haven't had a chance to catch up on the clips; it's been a super-busy week, so pretty much all my browsing has been done from my iPhone (including now :D), but I'll listen tonight! (and Jason, thanks in advance for the clips dude :headbang: Forgive me for nitpicking though, but do you think you could upload just the 57 track? :D I've never been that crazy about the i5)
Of course dude :)

No problem. Ill export each mic separate so you have the 3 to choose from, might give you a better idea for which way you want to go. Wish I had a royer to do these with as I really think they do a great job translating how the amps sounds in the room. But spending a few K on a mic right now isnt in the cards
Why is it that every dropbox link I click today is saying the page doesnt exist! Tried doing it on the Metal G6 cover and no dice, and now on yours Jarkko, still says the page doesnt exist.
Why is it that every dropbox link I click today is saying the page doesnt exist! Tried doing it on the Metal G6 cover and no dice, and now on yours Jarkko, still says the page doesnt exist.

Yeah, it's been up and down the whole day. Try again a bit later.

Dude that explorer and the Jet City really sound great together. A bit fizzy on the top for my taste but good tone overall. I really dig it!

Thanks! The fizzyness comes from the mic placement, I reckon. I didn't have much time so I pretty much just threw a 57 near the usual sweet spot :)
Alrighty, got my one day off, so here we go :D

This is my JCA20A/Mesa Standard head quad tracked.

I believe that the 50/100 watter sounds very similar, except with more gain.

Pretty cool, though kinda mid-overload IMO, clashes with the bass (don't you have a Mesa Stiletto/Traditional cab though? Cuz the Standard is actually the Recto Oversized)

Yup, I scooped it to hell and back. Here's quite a different tone from the JCA20H: HBG412V Reared DOUBLE TS.mp3

It's not Rose of Sharyn, but close ;)

A bit sludgy, could use more brightness (and the level is a bit low IMO), but a cool grind to it, and that riff when the verse kicks in is sick-nasty :headbang: (is this an Ola song? I haven't been keeping up with what he uploads, so at least it's new to me :D)

love that clip, and it shows what the amp is capable of in experienced hands. Still makes me want one lol

Yeah, that's pretty rad - again, a bit middy, but Ryan is definitely a talented feller :kickass:

Quick and dirty clip I just did with really old strings... NO processing besides gate. Volume was veeery low.
Ibby 7 string with DiMarzio Evolution PU - OD808 - 25W Rev Jr. Pro - HB 2x12 - SM57

Maybe not the Setup you're after - but if you like, send me some short DI clip and I can reamp it a few times with different settings.

I can definitely tell the volume was low, and it's a bit whoomp-y in the lows, but pretty cool man!

Marcus, a bit OT, but did you ever get around to doing that 81TW/89 shootout you mentioned you wanted to do?

Hey Hugo, I still haven't gotten around to getting my LTD set up yet (I know, I know :lol: ), but over the holidays I definitely will, and then get on that shootout!

Just made this for my own entertainment 'cause I wanted to test my new axe on something:

And no need to comment on the song choice - the guitar in question is a black Explorer so it was quite obvious wasn't it :lol:

Pretty cool dude, though the bass guitar is kinda muddy, which overpowers the guitar tone - I can hear potential though!

Hey Marcus you got lucky, band got done early tonight.

So here is the Krank, with some photos of the micing technique. This is a 50/50 blend of 2 mics. Audix i5 and a 57. 2 different speakers the 57 is straight on, and the Audix is at an angle. See photos.....

Settings on the Krank:

Sweep 7
Bass 5 1/2
Midrange 3
Treble 8
Master 3
Gain 8
Boost Off
Fx Loop Off

TS Settings:
Gain 3
Level 12:00
Tone 12:00



The 609 in this photo was not used. I tracked it but it didn't sound right with the i5 and the 57


This was done with a Mesa 2x12 with Celestion v30s

I was having some issues with Slate and the Midi on this track. I need to re-download it as I think the Midi for the drums I have is corrupted, there is also a small spot where the bass drops out for a sec. Ignore those parts 99% of the song is here.

Slightly buzzy, but a killer grind, which is the definitive Krank sound IMO - tough call, as most of the Jet City clips have been just a bit too furry in the mids for my taste, but I feel like the higher wattage models (without EL84's) wouldn't suffer as much from that; I'll probably just end up going for whichever I can get the better price on, thanks for the clips guys! :headbang:
Hey Hugo, I still haven't gotten around to getting my LTD set up yet (I know, I know :lol: ), but over the holidays I definitely will, and then get on that shootout!
Cool! Really looking forward.

BTW, this thread makes me GAS for either of the two amps you mentioned. Hell, I'd even settle for a JCA20. It really seems to nail that fat, smooth As Daylight Dies and Shadows Are Security tone I'm after, even tho SAS was a Krank.
Alrighty, got my one day off, so here we go :D

Pretty cool, though kinda mid-overload IMO, clashes with the bass (don't you have a Mesa Stiletto/Traditional cab though? Cuz the Standard is actually the Recto Oversized)

Good call, I had 'em mixed up, Mesa Traditional. The mids were set at 1, the overload is more than likely the cab, as it has more aggressive mids.