Krank Revo Sample...(again)


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
After listening to some of you guys samples here, I have been trying to get a nice "inyourface" tone out of my Revolution. One example that springs to mind is CJWalls (I think) "sm57_engl_savage_test_02.mp3". Damn that is an aggressive tone. Anyway, I'm not there :lol:, but this is my latest:

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Any comments/tips on the overall guitar tone would be appreciated, I have run out of ideas and fresh ears.:loco:

I know the guitars are a bit boomy/flabby in the low-end (no OD808 yet)

I have included just the guitars as one mp3 and another with some drums to show somewhat of the guitar's fit in a mix. I know the drums aren't the best and the snare should be louder, but the guitar tone is what I am interested in.

Any tips/comments appreciated. :worship: :headbang:
Less gain, more beatthefuckoutofthestrings, and it sounds like you're playing it either wrong on one guitar or out of time on two, and unfortunately I can't say much else because that's what's throwing me off. Apart from that, it doesn't sound bad at all - might want to try the Fredman thing, as that's popping up more around here.

Thanks for the reply. I agree on "lessgain". The gain was on 7. When I get my OD808 I will be able to run less amp gain and use the 808 as a boost to get a heavy tone, hopefully, instead of relying on high amp gain alone. The picking definition is definitely lost with the high gain. As far as playing it wrong or out of time, probably both :lol: . I loosely recorded the guitars in 5 minutes and was just using them to test various EQ methods. They were never meant to be posted, just for my own experimentation, but after running out of ideas I thought I'd just post and ask for advice, so no they are not brilliantly recorded. Fredman, hmm, I have 1 mic pre and 1 57 only. :heh:
I really like the overall characteristics of the tone, I'd love to pick a Rev. up one day to see what kind of tones I could get from it.

As far as EQ, yes definitely needs some low-mid tamage and personally, I would add some more 1k and 4k..

A TS808 would help alot here, making the notes sound more articulated..

BTW, I don't think the clip you're referring to was mine, but check my sig to hear some stuff that I've posted here in the past.
that's sounds pretty good, but a bit fizzy. I wouldn't back the gain down much, but I would play with the sweep, presence and treble. I like a drier tighter tone... anyways

hope you don't mind but I took a liberty and EQd it a bit... just for fun. I tried to bring out the guitar body a bit more and spared some room for the bass gtr and tried to tame the top some... also probably not quite as scooped.


CJWall: Thanks for the EQ tips, I will definitely give them a shot. Oops, thought that was your clip.:heh: Anyway, your take on the Septic Ashes song was my fave of some very good mixes. The start is just so powerful and aggressive.:headbang: I'd like to hear what you could get out of a Krank as well. BTW "Aloud you follow" sounds pretty cool. Morbid Angel style riffs at the start combined with that aggressive tone sounds cool.

MilkAndCheese: I'm trying to love it as well, but it gives me a few headaches. I suppose it's not the Amp's fault I don't know how to record and mix.:lol:

Mood Bender (artist previously known as Kieffer:lol: ): I have all your Krank recordings. You definitely like a drier tighter tone. I guess I am after something between your posted tones on your pages and the one I posted. Not quite so dry and not quite so fizzy.:) Feel free to EQ away.

Just in case you or anyone else is interested, here are the tracks I had to work with (far from great starting points, but as I said, literally 5 minutes work). I have included 2 as I recorded 2 lots of 4-tracks. One with the mic dead-centre of the dustcap and one between the centre and edge of dustcap. Both are hard on the grill, and both are panned:
100% L
100% R
80% L
80% R

There is WAY too much low-end, I should have had the mic an inch or so away, but that was going to be the next test.

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Each sample is about a 6 meg 24 bit wav.

Amp Settings:

Pres 7
Sweep 2
Bass 7
Mid 2
Treb 7
Master 3
Gain 7

No high end in there even though the treb and pres is so high, due to the sweep being so low.

Once again, thanks for the helpful replies guys they are most appreciated.:headbang: :worship:
Well, I recorded it again, this time with a Tube Screamer OD sim from my GT-8 and mixed it a little differently using a couple of tips that were posted. There are 2 samples, the second being the same except for a slight mid cut.

Again, I didn't spend too long on the recording, but I think it sounds better than the previous version.

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I know you guys are probably sick of my posts :heh: , but I would appreciate any feedback on the guitar tone please, I need help:lol: .

Any tips, comments appreciated, even if you hate it, tell me why do you hate it? Constructively though, I bruise easily:lol:
They need a little work in the lower mids, it sounds like that GT-8 sim isn't doing what it needs to (pick up a TS-7 for $40, if you want it to be an 808 circuit instead of a 9 circuit PM me for mod instructions), there's a bit too much gain, you could move the mic a little more to the side (to cut down on the fizzies), playing could be a bit tighter, but it sounds a little better.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah the GT-8 I am sure isn't doing what it should 100% but it did manage to get rid of some low end flab. I have been eyeing a Maxon 808 on ebay for a while (the particular shop has them all the time) but yesterday when I was going to buy, none there, typical.:mad:

Playing could be tighter, yes. At this stage just trying to get something half-decent to practice mixing on.:heh:

Strange thing on the mic position. That is dead centre of the cone. I recorded another 4 tracks with it 10mm off-centre and the fizzies actually sounded worse (but the sound was also bouncing off a wall about 1.1 metres squarely in front of the cab in my walk-in closet, before I put a large couch cushion in front of it, probably this more than the mic position was the cause:lol: ) . Tomorrow I will try it in front of the edge of the dustcap. I need to try it in all positions to see the exact differences. That part is painful, but the only true way to learn I guess.:erk:

Any suggestions on what low-mid freq's to boost?

Thanks again for the reply.