Krankenstein Settings

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Guys, sorry if this question has been posted before--I couldn't find it with a search, tho I know it was on the old site somewhere.

What settings do Steve/Jeff use live with their Krankenstein? I've found good settings for recording but not a great live tone yet.

Anyone else playing this sucker live?
In addition to this maybe: "As for the live settings we use on the Krankenstein head, (I use Krankenstein cabs, Jeff is using the Rev cabs btw), I think Jeff and I are a little diferent form one another , but I do like to keep the Sweep control ( the best feature and often the most overookeed, but the key to it's tone) at around 1 or 2 o'clock, and keeping the gain down to about 3 or 4o'clock, brings in the clarity of the amp a lot more, and dialing preferable eq ( plenty of mids, less low end for me, and a fair amoiunt of high end), and I'm stil using the Dime designed Eminence Teaxs Heat Speakers. I was going to switch over to Celestions, but haven't heard much of a differenec in terms of clarity and output, so may hold off on that for a while. There's this eird calrity, alomost acoustic tone you're getting with those speakers, from the amp, and it's a really cool vibe that I am digging on! Briings that amp to life!!"
In addition to this maybe: "As for the live settings we use on the Krankenstein head, (I use Krankenstein cabs, Jeff is using the Rev cabs btw), I think Jeff and I are a little diferent form one another , but I do like to keep the Sweep control ( the best feature and often the most overookeed, but the key to it's tone) at around 1 or 2 o'clock, and keeping the gain down to about 3 or 4o'clock, brings in the clarity of the amp a lot more, and dialing preferable eq ( plenty of mids, less low end for me, and a fair amoiunt of high end), and I'm stil using the Dime designed Eminence Teaxs Heat Speakers. I was going to switch over to Celestions, but haven't heard much of a differenec in terms of clarity and output, so may hold off on that for a while. There's this eird calrity, alomost acoustic tone you're getting with those speakers, from the amp, and it's a really cool vibe that I am digging on! Briings that amp to life!!"

Hey GGI, and Welcome to the forum!
I said that awhile back I believe....and not much has changed! I've been using the Krankenstein here at home, with various cabs for recording, but my setting have stayed true to this, no matter if I'm hooking it up to the Krankenstein cab with the Texas Heats, or my old Boogie cab with Celestions,and I can tell you from memory, that my settings in a recording studio do not differ that much from a live setting. That's got me kind of confused, as to what you're looking for in a live tone? Are you looking for more gain, less high end? More of a solo tone? I don't know if you know this or not, but Jeff, and later myself, we are using Digitech's Tone Driver pedal as a boost for solos. Jeff more than I, but I have been using it with a few things on my upcoming instrumental album, The EssenEss Project. Live, I have always preferred to use the Krank for all things gain, rhythm or lead, adn felt it had more than enough gain to back up my solos.
Hope that helps man!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
using an overdrive like the ibanez tubescreamer isn`t so much about the added gain, it`s the added pick attack and the improved bottom end tightness. i use a framus cobra, which is a very tight amp without and stompboxes whatsoever, but the tubescreamer takes it to another level tone wise....i just hate the tapdancing when switching from dirty to clean :lol:

i wonder if the krankenstein is somewhat similar to the cobra.....i`ve never played one - would love to, though
Thanks for the response Steve!

FYI, I use a tube screamer for recording but not for live, so I need a different tone there, plus I like to play with more distortion live.

OK, ONE MORE QUESTION though: how far up do you have the volume and master knobs?

Thanks again
Thanks...Yeah I've heard a few people say that you get better tone with the volume up high. I'm liking less volume the more i play with it.

I plugged in my other guitarist's guitar, which has Seymour Duncans....Sounded a lot better than my EMG81s...don't know if that's cuz they are old, but I'm looking into it.
I'd say you'll probably need new batteries for the 81, unless of course the 81 wasn't a good match for the guitar in the first place and an 85 would suit better. The 85 seems more natural every time I hear it, that's why that comes to mind.

Just for headroom purposes you might also try wiring the guitars up to 18v instead of 9v.
