Kreator, Exodus, and Warbringer

Jealousss, we were stuck with Eluveitie/Caliban and such. Kreator was killer though.
Exodus are great, too bad Dukes can act like an ass.
it was fucking first class! the security were being dicks about stage diving, but my mate george was crowd surfing and got thrown onstage. dukes grabed him by the shoulder and pulled him back to the drum kit and started pointing at the crowd, gave george a shove and he went flying. warbringer was a good warmup, but exodus made it the rowdiest show i've ever seen. then kreator hit, and that kicked it up even more. best gig of my life.
fuck yea, i saw this in Minnesota and it completely killed, This was the one were me and my bro got on stage.:headbang:
Heres the pics

heres Exodus

And heres us


I enjoy the albums, but the show is absolutely massive. john kevill's one of the best thrash frontmen i've seen in a good while. really agressive. he's one of those guys who looks you right in the eye while he's singing.