Krisiun – Southern Storm

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Krisiun – Southern Storm
Century Media – 21 July 2008
By Ryan Starr


What happened? What happened to one of the poster children for the brutal death metal scene? To say I am disappointed with Southern Storm is a bit of an understatement, but in reality, this really shouldn’t surprise me. Assasination marked the downfall of this band, and Southern Storm proves that I was right.

Southern Storm showcases an ailing Krisiun who appear to have lost the strength to write vicious and technical music. Gone are the shred based riffs, replaced by dumbed down Sepultura and Vader worship. As if Sepultura could become any simpler. And to cap it all off, Krisiun cover Sepultura’s nu metal anthem 'Chaos A.D.' I just don’t understand what Krisiun was thinking when they wrote this. Songs like 'Slaying Steel' and 'Minotaur' reek of putrid junior high garage band riffs. The metal world should be embarrassed these riffs have ever been written, let alone recorded and sent away for mass consumption.

I thought Krisiun couldn’t get any worse after Assasination, but I am wrong. I am outraged by the lack of value in Southern Storm, and you should be too.

Official Krisiun Website

Official Krisiun Myspace
Official Century Media Website