KRK Rp'8 making "popping" noises =/


Jun 17, 2008
So guys as I was in a session yesterday recording some band and then all of a sudden my Left speaker started to make some weird "popping noise, so i first though "oh the guitarist must of have being trying to plug in his instrument cable to guitar" (because it sounded as if when you plug in your guitar into an amp and makes that "pop" noise) so then i turn to look at the guitarist but he wasn't even touching his guitar. SO then I say to my self fuck it must be my speaker that fucked up.

So long story short one of the speakers is fucked up!!! it makes this "popping" noise and Im wondering what can it be??? You guys think I can send it over to KRK even though I dont have any warranty or anything what so ever?:ill:

If any of you been though this problem let me know.

No i didnt.. actually after I had the problem with the speaker I turned it off and plugged in my old Maudio bx5a with same cables and they worked properly.

After i finished for the day i plugged the RP8 again and i got that Popping noise from one of the speakers so i tried different cables and same thing... I even disconnected the trs cable and just turned it on by itself and it continued to make those "popping noises" and if i leave it on the noises get louder, so yea I just turned it off and called it a day.
Hey I realize this is an old thread but did you ever solve this?
I'm having exactly the same problem.
