KVIST - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002


Stunning. Yeah, I know I'm several years late but this album deserves its own thread here.
It barely gets a mention, totally lost Norwegian dark-as-a-midnight-forest-BM from 1995. This is like Bergtatt meets Dark Medieval Times. Or something. It's actually somewhat unique. The production is lush and full and you can hear the bass perfectly well.

A few searches on RC indicate Erik, Furious B, and Markgugs creamed all over this but I guess nobody else picked up on the hint.

According to this TOP 100 Norwegian BM album list, it appears at #19. Up until recently, I'd never even heard of it, but this is total tier 1 creme-de-la-creme pagan majesty. Oh, I should add that it's pretty symphonic in places, so don't be expecting necro satan torture.
Definitely a must-own yes (that's just why I don't have it yet, but I hear it's been reedited).

Yet speaking of underhyped yet cumtastic Norwegian BM bands era 1994-1996, Helheim and Forgotten Woods jump to mind first. :kickass:
I agree, it's quite good, but a few more twists and turns in the music would have made it more interesting. As it is now it comes off as pretty "simmering" at times
Add me to the list of people who think this album rules.
Picked this up about a year ago based on a reco I got somewhere on UM.
Probably here.

Edit: Np: Kvist- Ars Manifestia
I know Hell Mike at least has mentioned it before

or, well, this, from 2003:
Kvist "Før Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike"

Criminally underrated gem of keyboard BM. Great, great album, but there is no information anywhere on the band -- not even member names -- and this is all they ever released. Mysterious.
Yup, big favourite of mine for a long time now. Highly recommended to everyone not yet initiated in this folky (and I normally can't stand folky metal) goodness, for what it's worth.
I don't know if it's been reissued (I think it has?), but you can get it fairly easily. Redstream usually has it in.

This is a really, really solid album. It's a damn shame they never did anything else (at least not to my knowledge)....aside from their demo, that is.
I know Hell Mike at least has mentioned it before

or, well, this, from 2003:

yeah, I saw it mentioned in various threads in passing, but KVIST don't seem to be a widely talked about band (in general).

Look at the aforementioned top 100 list, we all know the top 10 artists, but here's 11-20:


I know every single one of those artists, they're all discussed reasonably often in various forums and zines...and yet never even heard of KVIST until now. :loco:
You make a good point. All I was saying was that they had in fact been mentioned if not dicussed on RC before :erk:

Remember when you said you'd never heard of Legend (US) but then we found that you'd in fact heard, liked, post about, and then forgotten them? :loco:
You make a good point. All I was saying was that they had in fact been mentioned if not dicussed on RC before :erk:

yeah you're right, I'm just kicking myself for not really looking into this further. On just one or two listens, KVIST sounds top notch. Just as worthy of discussion as, say, Ulver or In the Woods... perhaps?

Remember when you said you'd never heard of Legend (US) but then we found that you'd in fact heard, liked, post about, and then forgotten them? :loco:

You can blame that on old age and castration. :loco:
I listened to one track on the Kvist myspace (is there a band in the world, current or dead for years, that doesn't have so much as a fan myspace floating around the internets?) and it sounded very good, though I'd have to hear the whole album before comparing it to classics like you say.

So I'm downloading it now. What would I do without http://blogsearch.google.com ?
You can find damn near anything on there!