L I Z A R D ! ! ! !


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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haha, great pic dude.

I never thought of you having a beard. We haev similar hair styles pal hahahaha. My beard is longer than your though, now anyway.

you should send a pic to dsm, and let him put you up on his page. Send your kids pic as well.
Just so I can belong with you guys as well...getting kind of itchy, any tips???
LIZ>>>>SAme to you pal. same to you. I trimmed my beard since Zanex came to the house, but its still long hahahha.
YEah, sometimes, this place gets hit hard and fast, and the important threads get pushed to the way side.

REBIRTH>>>You haev to get used to it. mIne used to bother me, around 10 yrs ago at least. Send me a pic in the email of your new hairs. I can imagine what you look like, all but the color. Ill send you a newie as well.
ledmag, sorry about your uncle, my condolences and sympathy. As for beards, I tend to not shave as much in the winter because "whiskers" and facial hair will keep your face warmer. I'll try to grow a beard, but it grows in patches. I just have the moustache and partial goatee. rebirth, try to deal with the itching. My face and neck itch more after I shave. Oh well, I may try to grow a beard. Next time I visit ledmag, He and I might take a picture with a digital camera and get DSM (deadskinmask) to post it on the Bio page, or get him to post it here, or give us directions how to post a picture, or something. Good luck to all growing beards.