I am just saddened by this news. One of my favorite bands of all time is no more in my opinion. I can't thank Glenn enough for just getting them in the knick of time before this transpired. I would have been miserable if I never had the chance to experience them live. Their show a few years who was was easily in the top 3 shows ever at Prog Power for me and in the top 3 shows I have ever seen period. Such a shame. And Mark Boals??? Great singer, don't get me wrong, but I don't get the choice. With that said, I really wouldn't get any choice as no one compares to Tiranti and how he fit Labyrinth. He was Labyrinth. Olaf is an integral part as well, but he left once and they still pumped out quality music. I will give it a shot as a big fan, but this is similar to Messina leaving Secret Sphere. That was the end of them for me. Luppi is without a doubt a tremendous singer and the album is great, but it's not signature Secret Sphere. Sounds like a Luppi solo disc. Argh!