Lack of AA apparel

what the hell is up with the store on it has a whole ONE fucking t-shirt to buy. i wanna buy some official T's not the shit one my neighbor down the street created using used toilet paper. its not like i can go to shows here in northern cali and buy some either. sooooooo whats up with that any news on when they will be getting some new official apparel to sell in that store?o_O
Knarfster: If I could pull my head out of my ass for long enought to come up for air between f/t university, p/t work, two kids, a husband and an oversized dorrknob aka The Dog, I would set up my own shop over the net or something. There are som many items that I would like to have available that are not out there, such as big-ass iron-on patches for my bomber jacket and smaller versions thereof for my leather gear. In the meantime, I am working on one of my friends, who runs a successful ebay merchandise bussiness, to see if he can't get something going. He's a huge fan of the band anyhow, so I thought that might be mixing bussiness with pleasure. I'm not sure what kinds of copyrights issues etc are involved at all, so I have to get him to look at that. There are some AA things available on ebay already. I like to buy the stuff myself, just to support the band and the label, but some stuff is not made available to North America. Fortunately for me, I can ask Johan for such items (which I hate doing, cuz I don't want him to have to buy my clothes for me, and besides, it's supposed to be the big sis that buys the stuff for the younger sibling, not the other way around!), but it'd be really nice if everyone could get access to all the items. Not only do we, the fans, want them, but the band gets a cut from merch sales, and these guys aren't exactly rolling in mullah, so it'd be a good way to support the band, too.
Knarfster: If I could pull my head out of my ass for long enought to come up for air between f/t university, p/t work, two kids, a husband and an oversized dorrknob aka The Dog, I would set up my own shop over the net or something. There are som many items that I would like to have available that are not out there, such as big-ass iron-on patches for my bomber jacket and smaller versions thereof for my leather gear. In the meantime, I am working on one of my friends, who runs a successful ebay merchandise bussiness, to see if he can't get something going. He's a huge fan of the band anyhow, so I thought that might be mixing bussiness with pleasure. I'm not sure what kinds of copyrights issues etc are involved at all, so I have to get him to look at that. There are some AA things available on ebay already. I like to buy the stuff myself, just to support the band and the label, but some stuff is not made available to North America. Fortunately for me, I can ask Johan for such items (which I hate doing, cuz I don't want him to have to buy my clothes for me, and besides, it's supposed to be the big sis that buys the stuff for the younger sibling, not the other way around!), but it'd be really nice if everyone could get access to all the items. Not only do we, the fans, want them, but the band gets a cut from merch sales, and these guys aren't exactly rolling in mullah, so it'd be a good way to support the band, too.

Yeah, i see your point. It's not as easy as it sounds i guess, but yeah would really be great if someone could do it.

Oh and BTW: "it's supposed to be the big sis that buys the stuff for the younger sibling, not the other way around"
Is that how it goes in sweden/america? :erk: Not in my familly
well..if it´s all about asking, i would love to have ( once at least) something nice for girlies, with a proper size and preferably not a thong..what about a decent hoodie??? i dont mind where to buy it and definately i would love to buy add that to the merchandise-wishlist PLEASE!
They have girlie T's of all kinds (I know, cuz Uncle Johan gives them to his nieces who look smokin' in them - almost as good as their mother when she "borrows" them...). Define " something nice for girlies". You mean colourwise? Cuz they have hoodies, too, but they're generally in black. Like maybe a different colur hoodie or T? I think they did up one shirt speciffically for girls that had "Valkyria" on the back, or at least they had plans to do it. I want one of those for myself, come to think of it!
They have girlie T's of all kinds (I know, cuz Uncle Johan gives them to his nieces who look smokin' in them - almost as good as their mother when she "borrows" them...). Define " something nice for girlies". You mean colourwise? Cuz they have hoodies, too, but they're generally in black. Like maybe a different colur hoodie or T? I think they did up one shirt speciffically for girls that had "Valkyria" on the back, or at least they had plans to do it. I want one of those for myself, come to think of it!

colour???no no..i look much better in black..but whenever i have come across with AA merchandise it was like megaenourmous, and well, i can fit in normal girlie( although i always scream that girlies are not one size all and all of us have the same rights, arent we?)but would be great to have at least 2 girlies prefernces..i always follow the moto keep it simple, so With oden...cover is great for me...

And, as a talented marketing student:lol: and dealing with merchandising from little little little bands, i have come across with the revealing truth that a well done girlies merchandise is more powerful in terms of spread the band names that thousands of guy..because, and now i guve the example: Metal gig 1000 people, vary depending countries but normally distribution would be 800 guys,200 girls( as its best)...those 800 guys are normally complaining the lack of girls in metal gigs, therefore lets assume those 800 will look at least 100 of those girls, and would be a pretty story if guys stare at girls´eyes..but we all now the truth, the look a little under, therefore..whoever band who has payed a little attention to girls merchandise, care about size,colours,price and distribution and all this stuff and whose LOGO is written across those 100 chest would have infinitely most exposure that any of the bands on the 800 guys who normally are less looked at than the girls...

Yes..that´s is what come across my mind between checksounds and stuff..however later i headbang like eveybody else:kickass:
what the hell is up with the store on it has a whole ONE fucking t-shirt to buy. i wanna buy some official T's not the shit one my neighbor down the street created using used toilet paper. its not like i can go to shows here in northern cali and buy some either. sooooooo whats up with that any news on when they will be getting some new official apparel to sell in that store?o_O
....And how does this make you feel?

*Writes random shit on a clipboard*
And, as a talented marketing student:lol: and dealing with merchandising from little little little bands, i have come across with the revealing truth that a well done girlies merchandise is more powerful in terms of spread the band names that thousands of guy..because, and now i guve the example: Metal gig 1000 people, vary depending countries but normally distribution would be 800 guys,200 girls( as its best)...those 800 guys are normally complaining the lack of girls in metal gigs, therefore lets assume those 800 will look at least 100 of those girls, and would be a pretty story if guys stare at girls´eyes..but we all now the truth, the look a little under, therefore..whoever band who has payed a little attention to girls merchandise, care about size,colours,price and distribution and all this stuff and whose LOGO is written across those 100 chest would have infinitely most exposure that any of the bands on the 800 guys who normally are less looked at than the girls...

In other words, for maximum results... make sure your band logo is supported by breasts. :heh:
No Bates. Nice breasts.

(Crushing blow to male ego of the week, heard in bar recently:
Very overweight and very drunk man keeps hitting on very pretty girl. Asks for the 1000th time if she would dance with him. She finally gives up trying to be nice and just say no, and replies: "No thanks, I'm straight".
Dude and friends look confused...she continues "Well, I'm straight. I don't dance with people who have bigger tits than I do.")