Lacrimus Profundere

Sabin Frost

Doom makes me happy
Apr 21, 2007
South Australia, Australia
Thought I would recommend these guys as they have a good sound. On one hand they are very mainstream and comical to a degree (not unsimilar to Type O Negative, this band list Darth Vader as someone they borrow their sound from) on the other hand they play some really solid gothic metal. Their female vocal parts are not as apparent as most gothic metal bands (Sirenia, Tristesse etc.), rather the vocal focus is on male goth rocker vocals (set apart due to the heavy german "I will eat your balls" accent).

So if you want to hear everything you have ever heard before mixed into a flavourful German soup, this is the band for you,

P.S Do many people on these forums listen to the band? I would be interested to hear some other peoples opinions on their sound.
You can download a bunch of these guys videos on their wikipedia page if you want to check them out. Their later stuff (according to them) is rock 'n' sad, their older stuff is much more doom metal orientated.

EDIT: If you have not realised, I mispelt the bands name in the thread title, it is Lacrimas Profundere.