Lacuna Coil - "Comalies"

I have one song off of Comalies. "Swamped" It's not DRASTICALLY different, but it's different. If you liked Unleashed Memories, you should like Comalies :).
I can't wait for it!
I tried downloading the track off the Century Media website, but it failed with about 3 seconds to go. I can't win with their server, I tried downloading the new Bloodbath track from there 4 fucking times, each one got to within 3 seconds and their server died on me :mad: Meanwhile, everyone else has been downloading it, no problems :mad: :mad:
I've the whole album on my comp. I plan to buy it when it's issued. It's much in the same vein as Unleashed Memories. There are a few twists, but nothing to make you say: "Where the fuck did -that- come from?". All in all, I think it's a great album, and I was disappointed when they dropped off of the US tour with Dark Tranquility.
I listened through the whole, it isn't very different from the previous ones....And I was disappointed...I was hoping for some faster Goth-Rock stuff...but nooooooooooo.. :(
yay, i got my copy yesterday, although my friend has it as he got it of the website for me. so i'll be collecting it monday. if anyone's interested he said the £14 version is a box thingy with a poster, sticker and some other crap in a digi-pack version, like the Gathering one...
It's not drastically different, but I think there's a little more depth to it. It's a little less straightforward, and Cristina does more with her voice than before.

(and for anyone interested - I'll be airing an interview with her on my radio show next Sat night)
i have this one!! got it in the fancy wee box (very attractive packaging) with the poster (small and disappointing, tho christina does appear to have REALLY sexy dark eyes... never did notice that b4), the badge (nice and sturdy seeming) and of course the extra tracks!!!

all in all i love this album... not drastically different from past efforts but with enough twists to keep it interesting... all in all its exactly what u need from a LC album!!! tho i did buy it on the same day as my first katatonia album and a four album destruction box set... the katatonia one has seen that neither of the others get too much play!!!!

I've reviewed it on my site.

I would say it inst vastky different to the last one, but is good nevertheless.

Beseech are are really good band as well in the same vein but slightly heavier. Thats on my site too.
Just bought Comalies yesterday. I've played it through few times and like it very much. I haven't heard their earlier albums, so can't really say if Comalies is different from earlier stuff, but at least I can say that it's very good album.:)
Originally posted by bleedingfilth
Awww...well, if you want I can send the new Lacuna Coil to you. What Messenger Programs do you have?
Ooh, ooh, can I have it, me, me, me?? :grin: Although not now because I'm about to disappear... maybe tommorow or Sunday?? Please?? :)
Ive had it for a week or 2 now. My initial reactions were a bit mixed. Some of it was underwhelming cause it is very similar to the other albums. Differnet bits of The Prophet Said sound VERY similar to a few previous tracks. There are NO solos or at all lengthy instrumental parts and none of the tracks are particularly epic (there arent any tracks like When a dead Man Walks from Unleashed M), there isnt a ballad anything like Falling or anything as powerful or fun as My Wings. Most of the tracks are around 4 mins long, have a minimal amount of lyrics and repeat the choruses a lot.
But on the plus side, there are some really catchy choruses (eg Heaven's a Lie) and the album really grows, with bits of tracks getting logged in your head. The most noticeable change is that there is a LOT of electronics (not present before). There are synths and quite a few samples everywhere. My fav part of the album is the tracks Aeon & Tightrope which form sort of one song. Aeon is a very clean and mellow but almost mechanical semi instrumental and then Tightrope suddenly cuts in with a crunchy piece of riffing that is very un-coil like accompanied by random vocal samples and then suddenly a very soft synth part comes in as well. The song ends with a random "self distruct sequence" sample. Angels punishment also has Christina doing almost spoken word over random sortof industrial/goth backing. One thingthat i really liked is that the other singer gets to do a lot more than on the last album and is really good here but Christina is a little samey at times.
Rusty: OH man!! I just got back to this thread :lol: Sure you can have it if you want it.
I still have YET to get the Lacuna Coil Comalies Box Set...I might have to settle for the regular version thats out on the 29th :(. Ah well as long as I get it I guess