lacuna coil. the next to be overplayed

There's nothing wrong with them being mainsteam because they still sound as good. If they didn't that would be a different issue, let them get as mainstream as they want.
I have noticed that lacuna coil are getting a lot bigger now, especially now that over here its fashionable to be "gothic" so they're all listening to lacuna coil because of their image and gothic-esque sound. Its kinda pissing me off really, i dont want to see lacuna coil swallowed into the mainstream like in flames, soilwork, children of bodom etc.. are currently doing. I mean i dont want to see those bands get anymore commercial either but there's nothing i can do to stop them. All i can hope is that they dont ruin their sound just to get commercial, well, in flames have already done that and soilwork have changed their sound but still sound good. Im rambling now
I've noticed MANY of the people who listen to more mainstream music discussing Nightwish. I think they toured with Evanescance or something.
That is not correct.

As for Lacuna Coil, for a good while now they have made it clear that they wish to make a full-time living from the band (I believe they now do). They've always pushed quite hard on the promotional side of things, and have toured fairly extensively too. On top of that, Century Media seems to have been behind them all the way.

Now that Evanesence have broken into the charts, Lacuna Coil (and Century Media also) have spied the opportunity to bask in their sunlight as another easy to listen to, female fronted band with 'goth' tendencies (no, I am not saying they sound the same). The opportunity has arisen for them, and they are evidently trying to take it (take a look at the new video for 'Heavens a Lie', complete with toned down guitars, overdubbing of Andrea's vocals and Christina Aguilera poses). I think it's a shame when a band resorts to blatant commercialism such as this, but if the opportunity is there for them, and the music doesn't suffer, it's not something that bothers me hugely.