Ladies & Gentlemen.... something you must see


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Pictures have been posted from the Katagory V release/listening party at The Dawg Pound in Salt Lake City, curtesy of Mr. Toast &!

Click here to view the madness!

It was a great night of Karaoke and spinning the new album for everyone in attedance. It was a pretty packed night, mostly with our close freinds and fans. There were a large amount of people that showed up just to pick up their advance copy of the new album and say "hello", and another good amount that stayed till' closing, drinking and having a good time... and showing us why they didn't try out for American Idol. :loco:

Thanks to everyone that came out to the event, it ment a lot to us to meet everyone that came near and far to hang out with us and hear the new breed of rebellion!
