"Lady, Fuck off!"

so you people are championing Mel "asswipe" Gibson for being a shithead to anybody that questions him? So is that how you win an argument these days? What the fuck is this?

I would have told her to fuck off to. He took his time to spend with students to discuss his movie and some bitch stands up and calls him a racist.
Come on man.... something tells me you would have found "Fuck off" in your short list of responces to.
I read another article that said she had to be removed from the forum because she kept asking questions, over and over, she went past the alloted time she had for asking a question and would not give up the microphone. it wasn't like she asked one question and then he told her to fuck off. he answered her questions, and then after repeatedly asked stupid questions. I think it is bullshit questions. She thinks her ancestors did no wrong, and they did. So did mine, so did yours. To re-quote myself, lighten the fuck up.
I would have told her to fuck off to. He took his time to spend with students to discuss his movie and some bitch stands up and calls him a racist.
Come on man.... something tells me you would have found "Fuck off" in your short list of responces to.

And what is really significant - he didn't call her "Bitch" though she is. He called her "Lady" and then offered whatever was on his menu. That's what I call CLASS:kickass:
I agree with not pandering to left wing cunts. But for you to profess some great knowledge of this over an assistant professor of the very subject is a joke. If it comes down to reading your post, or taking her at her word, I have to go with her. All you have is a stupid avatar and lots to say for yourself.
Gibson is a midget Catholic wanker. Not in that order probably.

Wow nice history, I like to learn.

Fair play Mel! but here's how to win any debate!

I would have told her to fuck off to. He took his time to spend with students to discuss his movie and some bitch stands up and calls him a racist.
Come on man.... something tells me you would have found "Fuck off" in your short list of responces to.
If the assface doesn't want anyone to question his bullshit he shouldn't go out in public.
Well, there is no point throwing shit at each other over this since we weren't there, and don't know what happened before or after he said what he said. I don't care if he's a catholic, judofobic, lethal weapon, braveheart, or fuckface... I just admire his nonconformism...
He should've called her "Sugar Tits" instead of just "Lady". She'd be more pleased.