Power metal is basically just pop with double bass and fast guitars.* Admit it. No, seriously, there really isn't as much division there as folks likely want to imagine.
That doesn't stop me from enjoying Power Metal, nor does it stop me from not really enjoying most pop music. Sometimes shit just happens that way, and I have no need or desire to justify my opinion any further than that, because what's the point? Most of the reasons people have for disliking music have nothing to do with the actual music, and boil down to little more than weak, irrational justifications for something doesn't need to be justified so stop it. Sure, you can boil it down to objective elements, but your personal reaction to those elements is anything -but- objective. Except for the reaction itself, which can be objectively said to have happened, if you did, indeed react.
But the reactions in this thread are pretty much exactly what I expected, and i'm sort of ashamed of you all for behaving in such a predictable manner.
*Replace "power metal", "double bass" and "fast guitars" with any element strongly present in nearly any genre of melodic music and the same essentially holds true.