Lake of Tears


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

I have Greater Art which I think is ok. I've not heard it too much, but I'll make sure to give it a few spins. Like many other bands that started in doom, LoT progressed into something radically different....

...I also have a promo from 2002 that was sent to me by TER - it's an EP entitled Sorcerers / Nathalie & the Fireflies. I have to say, it's completely different to Greater Art, but very beautiful. It's actually quite elegant sounding, and the tracks are taken from the album, The Neonai. Would anyone recommend this?

Are the other LoT albums also worth further investiagtion?
I quite like that Band, they're often cheesy, but in a positive way. I'd definitely recommend "Forever Autumn"; It contains some wonderful songs and it does justice to the title with its genuine and consistent autumnal atmosphere. I don't really know about "The Neonai", I've heard some songs which were OK and a few that sounded incredibly corny to my ears. Might just have been the production though...
I haven't really explored their old stuff yet, the few songs I listened to didn't really spark my interest and sounded a bit inconsistent. But I might revise that judgement as I delve deeper into their catalogue...
"When I purchased Lake of Tears' Forever Autumn (available at Tower Records, to my surprise), I expected them to play generic gothic metal, à la Theatre of Tragedy or Within Temptation. As it turns out, I was only partly correct.

Upon initial listens, Lake of Tears' sound bears a resemblance to that of Evereve and later Katatonia, but as I played Forever Autumn more and more, I began to recognize a Death in June vibe of all things. The resemblance is particularly noticeable in songs like "Forever Autumn," in which the acoustic guitars add a folk ambience to the oft-downcast atmosphere. However, in all likelihood the similarities are coincidental. For the record, Lake of Tears and Death in June appear to have nothing to do with each other lyrically or thematically. That being said, Forever Autumn is a blend of the aforementioned folk sound and heavier guitars, though the tone never becomes very heavy. Rather, the album is a pleasant, enjoyable listen, perfect for the quiet, mellow moments of our lives. Keyboards often accompany the heavier songs, notably in "So Fell Autumn Rain" and "Pagan Wish," and yet the music retains its beautiful simplicity. Daniel Brennare sings capably, his voice fitting nicely with the album's somber mood. The lyrics are vague and symbolic, poetic and profound; worth reading if you have the chance.

Sadly, Lake of Tears recently decided to break up, and after one last album, we may never hear new music from them again. At least they managed to produce this little gem for us to treasure."
BTW, if you like "Greater Art" you should pick up Tiamat "Clouds", because that's where Lake of Tears got around 100% of their inspiration.
Heh, "A Crimson Cosmos" is pretty great. "Devil's Diner", "Lady Rosenred" and "Boogie Bubble" should be heard. "Lady Rosenred" is just about as poppy as my tastes get. It's cute.
Shakermaker said:
Actually, they just entered the studio to record the follow-up to "The Neonai"...
Yeah, that SSMT review needs to be updated. If they did split, it must have been for 2 days or something.

I admit that the new stuff might sound a tad cheesy, just because it's so entrenched within a 70's classic rock vibe a la Fleetwood Mac (as Haddsie pointed out to me), but I've been on a 70's kick as of late, and the Sorcerers EP is pushing all the right buttons.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, that SSMT review needs to be updated. If they did split, it must have been for 2 days or something.

I admit that the new stuff might sound a tad cheesy, just because it's so entrenched within a 70's classic rock vibe a la Fleetwood Mac (as Haddsie pointed out to me), but I've been on a 70's kick as of late, and the Sorcerers EP is pushing all the right buttons.

Yeah, "Sorcerers" and "Nathalie and the Fireflies" are probably the best songs on "The Neonai". It's just that when last I listened to it, there were some weaker spots on the album, making it sound a bit inconsistent as a whole. But as I said, it could just be me - "The Neonai" definitely deserves a chance...
The Neonai was received with mix reactions, or so it seems. Some people loved it, some people thought it to be boring. Thing is, I wonder if those who disliked it are 'death/doom or nothing' type people.

If anyone wants to rip me CD-Rs, please, don't let me stand in your way.
I've heard them but I can't really remember much about them, which can't be a good thing. Besides, any of the many bands with "tears" in the band name you've gotta be suspicious about.
Erik said:
"Devil's Diner", "Lady Rosenred" and "Boogie Bubble" should be heard. "Lady Rosenred" is just about as poppy as my tastes get. It's cute.

yeah those songs are nice, with a bit more promotion i wouldn't have been surprised if they hit some pop chart, one of my friends who's really into hip hop very much liked them hehe. the album is pretty enojoyable but not as good as forever autumn, that's a really nice album when you're in the mood.
I promised Jerry I'd get him this upload from The Neonai.


"Sorcerers" <- just a very pretty song indeed