Lamb of god

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK

I dun made a cover

Not the tightest performance, and used to the stems from the producer edition of sacrament, any feedback on playing/tone is appreciated, but bear in mind I literally just threw up a 57 and went for it, didn't bother tone chasing,just got something that sounded halfway decent and went with it

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Not bad. Audio quality is shit.

I despise this song, though.

NAG, ATPB, or AOTW all day long though.

Speaking of LoG.....I recall finding out about them in like 2000 or 2001, I guess they had just released NAG. It was sorta crazy seeing these dudes play in small clubs and just rising to the top so quickly and are now the modern day "Metallica" or "Pantera", so to say.
Agreed on the quality, imovie and youtube seem to have simultaneously raped it, as per usual. I really need a half decent camera, macbook pro's inbuilt webcam jsut doesn't cut it

Also, I only really found out about them in 2006 from this song, never been much of a fan of nag/atpb, IMO their albums are getting better and better, resolution is fucking fantastic. Although i'd say that purely because of king me, one of the best songs i've heard in a VERY long time.
I highly disagree. I think their better work was in their early days. Their newer stuff just seems like re-hashed versions of their older stuff with amazing production.

But to each his own. Cheers, bud!

I'm sure you've seen it, but in case you haven't, - Killadelphia is an awesome fucking dvd!
I became a fan just as Ashes was released and agree they have a lot of powerful tracks in their back catalogue, but I still enjoy their new stuff. I can hear some of it being similar to songs they've already written, but there are some hidden gems...

King Me was a surprise in my eyes...

And the Killadelphia DVD is SICK!!! I'm quite gutted they won't play half the songs on that set list again. The Subtle Arts and Vigil are just immense... I prefer the Killadelphia versions to the studio versions...
I recall one of the members saying that they basically only play the songs that "translate well into a live setting" at shows. It is sad because I really love songs like "Bootscraper" and "Blood Junkie"..... and they probably never saw a live gig.
Good or bad surprise? :p

One of, if not their best songs imo

A good surprise... every now and again when I get home from work and I want to just sit down and blast something, King Me goes on...

When I read about them using an orchestra and an opera singer... I was really really dubious given the sort of stuff they had done in the past...

It really blew me away...
^my thoughts exactly, I couldn't help but sit there and think "well fuck... this is probably going to be terrible, or at least a very very weird experiment"

But no, I ended up shitting bricks for the next year