
Looks cool

I've been doin my own project for class since oh, 5 this afternoon when I got back from the actual class part of my day. I had hrm, two breaks and even missed Spongebob...

Someone please kill me now...

That's my latest creation. weeeee
He said he couldnt see it and just sent a real short reply about not working for Maiden and having nothing to do with it. He's probably busy or just doesn't want to talk to me, I don't really care at the moment. I don't blame him for bein crabby about being asked about Maiden all the time, I only asked b/c someone told me he did it and I was like yeah right.

I really doubt he'll ever work for Maiden again, I really don't blame him anyway, Rod has too much say in what the art is and it just gets drawn out and stupid. Perhaps if they hadn't had him draw so many Eddies in the early days he wouldn't have been super exhausted of ideas.

Oh well. I said it in another thread and I'll say it here, if Nicko gets a year for tryin to run over some dumbass, then whoever did the cover should get a decade.
