Lance King Interview Posted


Just a Kid at Heart
Howdy y'all,

I just posted my in-depth and -- to use Lance's words -- "wicked fun" interview with vocalist extraordinaire Lance King on the web site. I had a blast with this interview for three reasons: (1) because Lance's family made an appearance here and there during it, (2) we laughed a lot, and (3) I'm just such a die-hard fan of everything the man does.

Thank you, Lance, for so graciously giving me nearly 90 minutes of your time. I deeply appreciate it.

Enjoy the interview!

Next up: Vocalist Michael Eriksen from Circus Maximus, possibly by this time next week.
J-Dubya 777 said:
Is it your birthday? If so, happy b-day! Drink a pint or 2 for me! :)

It was 2 weeks ago, and thank you for the birthday wishes, and i did drink a pint or two for everyone, and we will drink a few more at PPVII.:kickass:
One of the blessings of living in Minneapolis. It may get cold as all get out in winter, but it is Lance King's hometown.

Plus, all the SwordLord shows. I'm lucky to be here!