Official ProgPower USA VIII Interviews


Just a Kid at Heart
Howdy y'all,

Just to let you know, Glenn Harveston has again allowed me to be the official PPUSA interviewer this yeaer. Last year, my interviews posted on my NotesFromTheOtherSide web site. This year, I created a new site called DarkRhapsody that will contain all of the interviews and photos submitted by the bands.

To date, I've interviewed:

Claudio from Raintime

Oddleif from Communic

David DeFreis from Virgin Steele (who spills the beans on that highly regarded 1985 death metal album by Exorcist called Nightmare Theatre)

I have interviews scheduled with the following bands:

Floor Jansen (After Forever) - Tuesday, March 27

Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear) - Wednesday, March 28

Gus G (Firewind) - Monday, April 2

Mike (Cellador) - Saturday, April 7

Andy (Vanden Plas) - Saturday, April 28

"IA" (Freak Kitchen) - soon

Shane and Lance (Krucible) - soon (I can't wait to ask Shane how he put together such a killer Showcase line-up, and ask them both how Lance came to be the new Krucible vocalist!)

At present, I'm editing my interview with Claudio and will likely post it in the next day or two. Elisabeth is transcribing my interview with Oddleif and has it about half done. The format this year is the same as it was last year: a 30-50 minute conversation, transcribed virtually word for word, and posted with a minimum of commentary from me.

I'm still working on connecting with the remaining four bands and hope to have interviews scheduled with them very soon.

The interviews will appear regularly over the next few months.

I had a great time interviewing the bands last year, and am enjoying it just as much this time around. Many thanks to Glenn for this privilege. Many thanks to all the bands for giving me their time.

I'll let you know when my interview with Claudio posts, and will keep everyone informed regarding all future postings.



You're a lucky bloke, Bill!! I'd love to have a conversation with Andy.....ah, but I digress. :blush: Looking forward to all of these interviews. I enjoyed last year's interviews very much.

I never did find you at PP last year - were you hiding backstage??
No offense, but I won't be reading your interviews online this year. I was bummed when I got to PP last year and found that I had already read all of the interviews in the program. I enjoy reading them on the plane otw home. So I'll wait for the program.
No offense, but I won't be reading your interviews online this year. I was bummed when I got to PP last year and found that I had already read all of the interviews in the program. I enjoy reading them on the plane otw home. So I'll wait for the program.

Hi everyone! And many thanks for the kudos regarding my interviews. They're fun to do. And, yes, lots of hard work.

We're going to do the interviews differently this time around. The entire interview won't be posted on my site. Only half of each interview will be posted. The entire interview (including the missing half) will be in the program. So to get the full story you'll have to read the program on the plane. :)

This way, prog metal fans around the world won't get the scoop everyone who actually attends ProgPower will get. You guys (those who attend the fest) will have something no one else in the world will have.

Think of it as yet another perk for buying your tickets early and attending the show.

Dude. I need to read your interview with, immediately. I'm so curious about what he has to say about Exorcist.

Like always, I look forward to these interviews. Great for passing the time, even a good bit of time after the fest.
Dude. I need to read your interview with, immediately. I'm so curious about what he has to say about Exorcist.

Like always, I look forward to these interviews. Great for passing the time, even a good bit of time after the fest.


I think I caught David off guard with my question regarding Exorcist. He was surprisingly candid during our chat...but then back-pedaled a bit in subsequent e-mails. However, I think people will know what's what from reading the interview.

Gosh, I hope that part is less than half-way through so you'll be able to read it online. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until ProgPower USA's program for the scoop. :)

Suffice to say fans of Exorcist's Nightmare Theatre, their one and only release (which often sells for big bucks on eBay these days), will be thrilled with what David has to say.


Seconded....I too was bummed that I had already read most of last years program before I got there. Good idea for this year.... Keep up the good work!

Thanks J-Dubya.

So far, I've spoken to Floor from After Forever, Oddleif from Communic, Ralf from Primal Fear, David from Virgin Steele, and Claudio from Raintime. I have an interview scheduled Monday at noon with Gus G. of Firewind and then, at 8am the following morning, an interview with vocalist Tony Kakko of Sonata Arctica. The following Saturday, I chat with Mike from Cellador. Later in in the month, I have and interview with Richard from Threshold and Andy from Vanden Plas.

So far, I can tell you all of the people I've spoken to have raved about ProgPower and are eager to see y'all there. It's going to be a great show!

Thanks J-Dubya.

So far, I've spoken to Floor from After Forever, Oddleif from Communic, Ralf from Primal Fear, David from Virgin Steele, and Claudio from Raintime. I have an interview scheduled Monday at noon with Gus G. of Firewind and then, at 8am the following morning, an interview with vocalist Tony Kakko of Sonata Arctica. The following Saturday, I chat with Mike from Cellador. Later in in the month, I have and interview with Richard from Threshold and Andy from Vanden Plas.

So far, I can tell you all of the people I've spoken to have raved about ProgPower and are eager to see y'all there. It's going to be a great show!


Wex Bill! IA's a busy guy this year with LOTS of stuff in the works, they aren't even touring that much this year, but they are looking forward to coming back to Atlanta. Hope we get to hear some new tunes! Everything from the opener at the showcase to the last band on Saturday will make this years fest just KILLER!
We're going to do the interviews differently this time around. The entire interview won't be posted on my site. Only half of each interview will be posted. The entire interview (including the missing half) will be in the program. So to get the full story you'll have to read the program on the plane. :)


The new approach sounds like a good compromise. Last year, I waited until I got home to read the interviews in the program -- but then I was kicking myself for missing out on some great insights and background info on the bands I wasn't familiar with.
I really enjoyed your interviews last year. Very well done. I look forward to the interviews this year. I hope you interview Ray Adler from Redemption.