Laney GT100TI Tony Iommi Review

Haha, when I think tubes, I don't exactly think back-breaking weight - but then again, when you're dealing with 30 FUCKING THOUSAND, that's another story I suppose! Dude, acoustic at a coffee house, what soul-sucking crap that must be, my sympathies. Quit work & make (good) music homie!
My VH100r arrived this morning. I LOVE IT! Will get some clips up at some point, but tonight, band practice, and a 20 minute walk with a guitar on my back and a 10kg tube amp to carry!! YIKES!
I was just going on the shipping reciept at the time, checked the manual, and it's actually 27.5kg !! YIKES! It was painful to carry around. Actually looking into getting some sort of trolley for it so I can take it to gigs and practice.

I do have a new one - fresh from the factory, as they were constructed a week after I put my order in.
Sweet, so you got one with those recessed handles? I always thought the big handles on the top of the older ones looked like they came off a handbag :lol:
Yup. It has the recessed handles, and they're very useful! Fucking heavy though. I'm thinking about something like this, to trolley it down the road with:

Anyone have any experience using a holdall type thing to transport your amp head?? I literally only need it to go down the road to the tube station (8 minutes) sit on the tube for 5 minutes, and another 8 minute walk. It would make transport a LOT easier.

But is there anything else out there?? I'm UK based btw.