Laptop -based setup + external HDD's, your take?

ze kink

So yeah,

Seems my Lacie d2 Quadra just shat itself. I cannot write to it anymore, it just starts making scary mechanical noises and interrupts the process. Luckily it's still under warranty and I've got backups of all the files I consider important. Just makes me mad that I've gotta go through this hassle, especially since I'm on the verge of finishing this project that's been taking me far too long to finalize already.

So, I think I'll just invest in a couple new external HDD's, one with FW800 & FW400 that's about 500gb's and 7200rpm that's going to be used for tracking, one USB2.0 that's again about 500gb's and as small as possible, that I'm going to use for storing files. When the Lacie gets back, I dunno, maybe I'll start using it as a time machine backup or something.

How are you dealing with this stuff, and how are you prepared in case a HDD gets destroyed mid-session for example?
with any external drive, heat and knocks reduce the life span of the drive, so i got external 2x4 drive esata raid enclosure with good cooling and put enterprise class drives in them, which are drives that are at least 5yr warranty and 1 million plus mtbf.

so combine raid and good cooling drives will last a while and the enterprise drives are just an extra layer of assurance, a little overkill but id hate the dread that comes along with losing sessions.