

Mar 2, 2004
DO NOT care what anyone thinks...
I miss him already.. not that Horgh cant destroy, or anything like that..
Lars is just how I remember Hypocrisy... its almost weird seeing a lineup change like this.. Even though its been almost a year since they announced it.

Lars was NOT, by any means capable of what Horgh does on the new album, its just the creativity part.

Lars was tired, that is respectable, But I think its fair to not forget him....

Honestly, I hope Hypocrisy never breaks up. I wish they could make music forever....

Im rambling now. Hypocrisy = #1 in my book
I kinda agree...but changes and evolution is the way of life...and by listening to VIRUS I think these changes were badly needed since this album is IMO the best since the self titled one and maybe the best OVERALL :hotjump:

Horgh is a better drummer than Lars, no doubts, no arguing. But still Im gonna miss Lars's songwritting, I mean hes the one behind Shamateur, Time Warp, Disconected magnetic corridors, Destroyed...etc etc so hes a wicked songwritter (for a drummer :p)

but the way VIRUS sounds compared to THe arrival, Catch 22 and Into the abyss, I think these changes were for the good.

Peter must be surrounded by the best he can have, its as simple as this
Horgh has always been my fav. drummer. I like immortal because of him. It's good he plays with hypocrisy, but it also shows me that immortal will never come back
Lars was a fine drummer, but IMO he couldn't play the blastbeats on Virus. And Virus sounds amazing and is a big step forward also because of Horgh.
Anyway - Lars' departure sure is a sad thing.