Thrashard925 said:
This shit is definatly real! This guy may seem cooky, but I have seen several of these orbs around Las Vegas. I even seen a redish orb and definatly was not a balloon

It vas probabaly one of them there Lights you see in Vegas
Im joking of Course

you want to have fun run a google search
on " Vrill Society" It discusses Hitlers obsession with the occult as well
as rumors that alot of the ufo sited in the 50 and 60 ( or whenever it was)
was the result of Germany's building better aircraft ( this is before hitler died, yet after he was stopped)
all of a sudden it becomes clear as to why the US Government would cover up ny and all UFO sitings...I just thought it cool
Merkaba said:
I agree, But its not stupid to think were alone, its arrogant. :Smug:

You're right. Imo arrogance is stupid though! :lol: Newsflash for all arrogant people, noone gives a shit how cool and great you are! Infact, thinking and telling people that you're cool makes me think you're lame!
Sir Phobos said:
( speaking of which,) has anyone gone to see
"Hitchikers guide To the Universe" yet?
Its one of the funniest books I had read, and it is funny as a movie
some of the humor on the new film, I didnt get untill hours after I got home
( I finaly figured out who the guy playing "Zaphod Beeblbrox" was
) the guy playing billy the kid in the green mile, never caught his name...
but he makes a perfect idiot...
i ll shut up now
fearing VOGON's will read poetry at me

Haven't seen the movie yet, but just reread all five books in the trilogy.
I dont want to ruin it if you go see it...
some of the humor is lost, and some of it I didnt actually catch until 2 hours after I got home and thought about it?

But why would they want my head, Its stupid? ( Zaphod)

The Babblefish explanation they had to narrow down a bit ( gods they would have found a way to ban it if they didnt)