Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
"Let me say that our mission here... at this time... is about to come to a close in the next few days. We came from distant space... and even what some might call... somewhat of another dimension. And we're about to return... from whence we came."

"And it requires, if you move into that Evolutionary Kingdom, that you leave behind everything of human ways - human behavior, human ignorance, human misinformation. "

"If I were to title this tape, it would be called "Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled"... last chance to evacuate Earth before it is recycled."
I'm not reading all of that...!

However, that is one of my favourite PT songs, fucking brilliance! Its so creepy when that cultist lunatic starts talking...*shudders*

I love it!
the song is perfectly divided between the acoutsic section and the ethereal second half...for the Opeth show on 1/19, I showed my appreciation of it with a PT shirt: LS cover on the front, title of the song being discussed here on the back. :)
Originally posted by Demonspell
the song is perfectly divided between the acoutsic section and the ethereal second half...for the Opeth show on 1/19, I showed my appreciation of it with a PT shirt: LS cover on the front, title of the song being discussed here on the back. :)

I saw somebody wearing that shirt at the Pittsburgh show.
That song is so cool! So nice and sweet in the first half, and really creepy in the second half. Love it all. Love that song. Love that album. Love of all their albums. Love PORCUPINE TREE!