Last day of Commodore Amiga factory


I loved amiga!
This is were amiga's were born
Maybe the most of you don't remember this due to the fact you were too young
This video makes me feel sad.. a glorous name reduced to ashes really.
Look how bad the factory was in this vid.

And now a tv commercial from 86 and 87


And a super uber great commercial for the italian tv.
I fucking remember this.... ;)

maybe it was an american commercial with italian voice over and on screen italian text ... who knows Kazrog should confirm
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oh shit, i remember Amiga! Late 80's/90's a friend of the family was a huge computer geek and introduced me to some of their games. I think he did some graphics work on it too, not sure cuz i was fairly young. but i remember thinking how much cooler his computer was than the ones at school where we programmed in Basic on black/green monitors.

damn kids today dont know how sweet they have it!
damn kids today dont know how sweet they have it!

i remember i had A ZX SPECTRUM 128K and some of my friends got the amiga500 and :OMG: it was a MACHINE...
i usted to spend day and night at their house drooling for one.............i´ve never forgived my father for not getting me one, but at that time it wasn´t possible
I had a Commodore 64K and my dream was having the Amiga.
Sadly the dream never became true.

I remember it being the greatest computer ever with detailed game graphics -that nowadays sucks- and realistic music...

LOL when the voice in the commercial says:
"I'm 512 thousand bytes of pure power!, expandable to 1 full megabyte!"
ahhh my first computer.
did anyone else's mysteriously stop working one day?
im off to the loft to see if its still there
I had a Commodore 64 when I was a kid and I played the shit out of it. I remember getting the game catalogs, and I would drool over the Amiga titles b/c they looked SO good back in the day.

I still remember the command to load the games:


Then you would go eat dinner, and come back 30 minutes later and HOPE that the game would be loaded and hadn't locked up. :lol:

Man, those were the days.
I had the C64...Lot of fun. Expecially when the tape machine didn't load the game: I toke a screwer and I played with the little screw of the tape machine to set the heads :)
But the best thing is that you was able to find lot of games (ex. 20 games in a tape for 5€ (of the 80s)) at the newsstand (everywhere, not only in my town)... but I learned some years ago, that all those games were pirated :D
I had the C64...Lot of fun. Expecially when the tape machine didn't load the game: I toke a screwer and I played with the little screw of the tape machine to set the heads :)
But the best thing is that you was able to find lot of games (ex. 20 games in a tape for 5€ (of the 80s)) at the newsstand (everywhere, not only in my town)... but I learned some years ago, that all those games were pirated :D

Yeah XES, I bought as well those kind of compilation games at newstands lol
lots of fun.
Kinda boring with c64 waiting all that fucking time to load those pieces of shit lol
When I bought then the amiga, it was like being on heaven.. I loved that shit ;)
I downloaded a homebrew C64 emulator for NDS and 5000 games.
But it doesn't work. When typing "LOAD" appears the classic message "PRESS PLAY ON TAPE" but then ... nothing.

Any of you owns a NDS and tried this emulator?

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