last metal show at thunderdome, behemoth/suffocation


Jun 8, 2002
I'm not positive how coherent this'll be cause I've been up for at least 21 hours now. But did anyone else go to this (I know at least a dozen of you are in or close to maryland)? and what were your impressions. basically behemoth blew me away, and I think they stole the show; the first 3 bands (I missed the first one, but i'll assume anyway) were mediocre death, and the third one in particular sucked ass (the guitarist should be shot for making us listen to that crate full stack). misery index was good, but had bad sound

if I thik of anything else I'll add it when I'm awake and can hear again (for I got forced up against the speaker through all of suffocation)
I didnt have the money/time for this show unfortunately. Although I am going to the Nile, King Diamond, Behemoth show. Ive seen suffocation and misery Index before live, as well as Behemoth. Behemoth always has a dominating live performance.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I didnt have the money/time for this show unfortunately. Although I am going to the Nile, King Diamond, Behemoth show. Ive seen suffocation and misery Index before live, as well as Behemoth. Behemoth always has a dominating live performance.

hey going to KD at jaxx???

and hey true believer, whats happening to thunderdome after it closes down, like isnt the maryland death fest always at thunderdome?? I've only read a snippet that it was closing, no dates or anything.

its demise. people like that turning it into the fagdome.

and that horrid flabby armed bartender.
aha! finally the mystery will be solved!...maybe...cuz MAYBE we wanna keep thinking you're the bald girl. and actually meeting you and finding out otherwise would ruin our fun.