Last Resort Riff


World's Greatest Vocalist
Aug 10, 2003
I've heard a few theories as to where the riff of Papa Roach's "Last Resort" was stolen from. Most say it's an Iron Maiden song.

Is it...
Hallowed be Thy Name?
Infinite Dreams?
Genghis Khan?

...or something else?

Just wondering...
Hallowed be thy Name as well to a certain extent. The riff right after the big scream a minute into it uses the same notes as the other two songs.
Its sad when even my non metal friends could tell that Papa Douche ripped off Maiden on Last Resort. Also, I thought I was the only one that thought Angels and Insects was a Prowler rip off. Now I feel better that Im not just super fanboy and was paranoid esp after Last Resort.

And the Papa Roach song "Revenge" has a riff stolen from Hallowed, with really bad turntabling over top. REALLY bad. Jam Master Jay's rolling in his grave everytime someone plays that song.