Late breaking news! Apolyom gig!


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
Ok, I know this is extremely short notice, but we were only informed of this gig today!

Where: BJ's Nightclub - Bondi Junction Mall
When: 18/7/03
Time: Doors open 9pm
Cost: $10
Bands: Miscreation, Apolyom, Headmess and another tba

Note: This Friday also happens to be my 22nd birthday, so I hope to see as many people come down and bang their fucking heads to some quality Aussie metal and help me celebrate! :rock: :rock: :rock:

Tickets for the Apolyom, Descend and Sindablok boat cruise in August will be sold during the night, as well as Apolyom merchandise.

(Sorry for the spammage, like I said, only just found out about it myself)