Late night TV...

Headbanger's Ball is actually pretty good....on TiVO. Anytime I see a dude with dyed hair in his face, I can just press FF and I only have to watch them kick their little legs and spin their guitars around for like 30 seconds on high-speed. Then I can watch Deicide or Celtic Frost or something.
Heheheh everytime I watch HBB, everytime that Napalm Death/CenturyMedia commercial comes on I say "OOH yes they are gonna show Into Eternity right after this clip" and sure enough, it does, each and every time :)

Now, can't wait for their new video to premier on HBB!!!! When is that video coming out?!?!?!
Headbanger's Ball is actually pretty good....on TiVO. Anytime I see a dude with dyed hair in his face, I can just press FF and I only have to watch them kick their little legs and spin their guitars around for like 30 seconds on high-speed. Then I can watch Deicide or Celtic Frost or something.

I agree so much. HHB is so much better recorded. they play too much crap!!!